- Need for and Process – Have settled that both can be manually set and cleared.
- Missing - Checking in will always clear the Missing status.
- Question about prioritizing multiple needed for processes.
- This could be accomplished by ordering. Default ordering would be based on the order in which they were added. Then a user with appropriate permissions could re-order the needed for processes.
- Maybe in future have a default priority for different types of processes. This would allow certain needed for entries to always have a priority when they are applied to a record. Would be able to override this if we needed to.
- Most of the time patron requests should be fulfilled before any other process, but in the case of a patron request, will always be presented with a choice to make at check-in to decide whether a patron request is fulfilled or the piece is routed for the first needed for.
- Could also use notes to indicate whether a need for is more of a priority than another needed for.
- Item state modal
- Displayed at check-in for confirmation and providing information.
- Sometime just informational and sometimes an action is needed to be taken.
- Question about whether to combining the status modals into a single modal or display separate modals?
- Some preference for one modal because it is a good overview and would reduce the amount of confirming and clicking. This would also prevent 'alert fatigue' – if there are too many pop-staff will click without paying attention to the content.
- Other concerns about whether it is too much information for a single modal. Also, should the information and action needs be presented in a second modal.
- Need to look at some mock-ups of the modal before making a decision.
- If the modals will primarily be viewed by RA staff, then maybe the discussion of modals needs to go to the RA SIG. (These are the modals for the check-in app.)
- Question about the modals in this case matter in the receiving app. What are the implications for Acq staff? How similar will the modals be to the display in the check-in app?
- Have the conversation first in RA and then bring the results of that discussion to the RM SIG / Acq small group.
- Displayed at check-in for confirmation and providing information.