Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


WorkflowTest 1
(average case)
Test 2
(high load)
Test 3
(average case) 

AIE_TC: Create Invoices8350100%13458100%7421100%
AIE_TC: Invoices Approve3180100%5251100%2960100%
AIE_TC: Paying Invoices3289100%4919100%3060100%
CICO_TC_Check-In Controller23230%33227%22280%
CICO_TC_Check-Out Controller41540%570010%38960%
CSI_TC:Share local instance1300819%1478114%1296920%
DE_Exporting MARC Bib records custom workflow529830%37991295%787590%
DE_Exporting MARC Bib records workflow427850%40202698%739570%
EVA_TC: View Account8033%9623%7001%
ILR_TC: Create ILR15270%22154%14510%
MSF_TC: mod search by auth query6720%18307%30964%
MSF_TC: mod search by boolean query1650%4852%7371%
MSF_TC: mod search by contributors3980%10633%16642%
MSF_TC: mod search by filter query2860%7132%10702%
MSF_TC: mod search by keyword query2840%6581%10061%
MSF_TC: mod search by subject query4070%11121%15302%
MSF_TC: mod search by title query10310%24491%29071%
POO_TC: Add Order Lines553340%9907619%544400%
POO_TC: Approve Order425670%7902212%421910%
POO_TC Create Order319330%5646813%314060%
RTAC_TC: edge-rtac41500%47260%40840%
SDIC_Single Record Import (Create)1377719%2047513%1377320%
SDIU_Single Record Import (Update)195490%3663916%195821%
TC: Receiving-an-Order-Line45895100%83735100%45888100%
ULR_TC: Users loan Renewal Transaction31890%48186%29700%


This graph shows the total durations of all workflows compared between tests.


Here we can't see any sign of memory leaks on every module. Memory shows stable trend.

Kafka metrics

DB CPU Utilization

DB CPU was 99% average with ERW: Exporting Receiving Information


Here we can't see any sign of memory leaks on every module. Memory shows stable trend.

Kafka metrics

DB CPU Utilization

DB CPU was 99% average with ERW: Exporting Receiving Information


Resource utilization for Test №3

The Baseline MCPT Environment configuration was applied, the instance type was changed to x2gd.xlarge, the number of instances was changed to 6, and CPU=0 was set for all services.

Service CPU Utilization

Here we can see that mod-permissions used 20% of the absolute CPU power of the container instance.


Here we can't see any sign of memory leaks on every module. Memory shows stable trend.

Kafka metrics

DB CPU Utilization

DB CPU was 64% maximum.


Resource utilization for Test №4

The Baseline MCPT Environment configuration was applied, the instance type was changed to x2gd.xlarge, the number of instances was changed to 8, and CPU=0 was set for all services.

Service CPU Utilization

Here we can see that okapi used 20% of the absolute CPU power of the container instance.


Here we can't see any sign of memory leaks on every module. Memory shows stable trend.

Kafka metrics

DB CPU Utilization

DB CPU was 91%.


Resource utilization for Test №5

The Baseline MCPT Environment configuration was applied, the instance type was changed to x2gd.large, the number of instances was changed to 10, and CPU=0 was set for all services.TT

Service CPU Utilization


Here we can't see any sign of memory leaks on every module. Memory shows stable trend.

Kafka metrics

DB CPU Utilization

DB CPU was 42%.


Resource utilization for Test №6

The Baseline MCPT Environment configuration was applied, the instance type was changed to r6g.xlarge, the number of instances was changed to 14 but 12 were used, and CPU=2 was set for all services.

Service CPU Utilization

Here we can see that okapi used 46000% CPU of unit power.


Inctanse CPU Utilization

Kafka metrics

DB CPU Utilization

DB CPU was 98%.


Resource utilization for Test №7

The Baseline MCPT Environment configuration was applied, the instance type was changed to r6g.xlarge, the number of instances was changed to 14, placement strategy was updated to "one task per host", and CPU=2 was set for all services.

Service CPU Utilization

Here we can see that okapi used 44000% of the unit CPU power.

Service Memory Utilization

Here we can't see any sign of memory leaks on every module. Memory shows stable trend.


Inctanse CPU Utilization

Kafka metrics

DB CPU Utilization

DB CPU was 98%.

DB Connections

Max number of DB connections was 5150.

DB load


Top SQL-queries

Resource utilization for Test №8

The Baseline MCPT Environment configuration was applied, the instance type was changed to x2gd.large, the number of instances was changed to 14, placement strategy was updated to "one task per host", and CPU=2 was set for all services.

Service CPU Utilization

Here we can see that okapi used 38% of the unit CPU power.

Service Memory Utilization

Here we can't see any sign of memory leaks on every module. Memory shows stable trend.

Kafka metrics

DB CPU Utilization

DB CPU was maximum 53%.

DB Connections

Max number of DB connections was 3842.

DB load


Top SQL-queries


PTF - Baseline MCPT environment configuration

  • 14 m6g.2xlarge EC2 instances located in US East (N. Virginia)us-east-1
  • 1 database  instance, writer

    NameMemory GIBvCPUs


    128 GiB16 vCPUs

  • Open Search ptf-test 
    • Data nodes
      • Instance type -
      • Number of nodes - 4
      • Version: OpenSearch_2_7_R20240502
    • Dedicated master nodes
      • Instance type -
      • Number of nodes - 3
  • MSK tenant
    • 4 m5.2xlarge brokers in 2 zones
    • Apache Kafka version 2.8.0

    • EBS storage volume per broker 300 GiB

    • auto.create.topics.enable=true
    • log.retention.minutes=480
    • default.replication.factor=3


Baseline MCPT Environment configuration according to tunning environment from previous report task count: 4 for services: mod-permissions, mod-search, mod-patron, mod-inventory, mod-inventory-storage, mod-circulation, mod-circulation-storage, mod-order, mod-order-storage, mod-invoice, mod-invoice-storage, for mod-users and mod-authtoken task count 6. Parameter srs.marcIndexers.delete.interval.seconds=86400 for mod-source-record-storage. Instance type: m6g.2xlargeInstances count: 14Database r6g.4xlargeAmazon OpenSearch Service  ptf-testr6g.2х (4 nodes).
