| Item | Notes |
1 | Dates for upcoming meetings (current week’s facilitator becomes next week’s minute-taker) | |
2 | Debrief from today’s Folio Forum: Integrating the Library into New Methods of Research | How did it go? Kristin’s referral to the discuss.folio.org forum was helpful ACTION ITEM: followup with attendees/registrants re: discuss forum
Takeaways Possibility of breaking up into small groups to discuss ideas/thoughts and then report back? Seeking interaction for deeper discussions, generate ideas Chat/Q&A produced more comments than questions, engaging around ideas re: how libraries might intersect with research/researchers Panel, facilitated conversation How to technically manage with 60+ people in the “room”? Sensitive to time zones. 10-12 people Introduce themselves; foster openness and familiarity with each other; imp. to emphasize comfort to overcome lack of F2F Try a dry run? To try and ID issues that need to be addressed Shared whiteboard? Other tools? Shared list? Virtual collaboration
3 | October 19th Folio Forum topic | Potential topics: Holly suggested two topics on Design you own FOLIO app for Oct. 19th? And developers use of FOLIO code for later in November; Jack suggested an overview of what is happening in OLE partnership and libraries; Sharon suggested doing a live demo of the work being done in all the communication channels Kristin found out Marc Johnson will not be ready to discuss the Kabalog on Oct. 19th maybe in the future; Kristin confirmed with Jennifer Solomon for a November FOLIO forum on a GOKb quarterly update and a presentation from Ian Ibottson, K-INT on e-books, Jennifer will firm up a date with Ian. This has been added to the spreadsheet Other potential topics: AMIGOS--platform presentation; Ken Chad: http://www.kenchadconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Platforms_for_Libraries_AmigosConference_KenChad_15Sept2016.pdf Outreach to other countries (e.g. a German language Forum?)
Conflicts include Copenhagen meeting (many will be attending this meeting; 45 attendees so far!) Final decision that we will not hold a Forum on Oct 19; with the Copenhagen meeting on that day as well as other plans coming, we can take this time off
4 | Future Forums | Live development of an app Community of developers Nov 2: GOKb and ebooks Nov 16: On boarding of developers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A0otko6SeFj3kMDlO9_DWRX85r7MW4MvIRfVfFiUbfo/edit?usp=sharing ACTION ITEM: Follow up with Marc after Copenhagen workshop
5 | Any needs for Charleston conference? | FOLIO lounge (Nov 3 & 4): opportunity for FOLIO community partners to meet, discuss ACTION ITEM: Rachel will share notice re: FOLIO lounge to be shared to others Sign up link here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HU-fndeFhmM9_zmjnfRDAVEYXNGql8XwvWuIaS89yYI/edit?usp=sharing
6 | Action items from Sept. 28th meeting | See https://wiki.folio.org/x/wYIV |