Each feature or piece of functionality that team Vega completes should have at least one user acceptance testing (UAT) session
UAT is needed for functional feature work in single tenant and ECS environments, both standard ECS and ECS + mod-tlr
UAT should occur as soon as possible to enable the identification of bugs and issues as early as possible
Both types of environments need:
to be snapshot-like, but with persistent data
to include all circulation modules (Check in, Check out, Circulation log, Requests, fees and fines, patron notices, loans, etc.), plus Inventory, Users, and Settings
to have applicable permissions for the above and specific to the features being tested
to be accessible to community testers and members
an appropriate data set and configuration for the feature/case being tested
for example, multiple (25-30) instance, holding and item records with valid barcodes
multiple patron records
Permissions, including access to secure tenant
Place secure request in Congressional tenant and ensure patron data is anonymous in the Central tenant and other related data tenants
Place a secure request for an oLOAN item and ensure request is visible only in the secure tenant
Reorder a request queue in the Congressional tenant and ensure the queue in the Central tenant aligns with your changes and the same in the Central tenant to Congressional tenant
Cancel a request in the Central tenant and ensure the private mediated request has changed to the appropriate status (Closed - Cancelled?) and the same for the Congressional tenant request (Closed - Cancelled) - Note: Can only cancel Primary circulation requests. Need clarification on where the Primary request is placed for secure tenant requests that are not for oLOAN materials. If a m-request is confirmed as a circulation request, is the Primary request in the Secure tenant, or is it in the Central tenant?
Edit a Primary private request
in both tenants andto ensure the changes are reflected in theotherboth [the secure tenant and Central] tenantCheck a private request item out and ensure the private patron information is visible in the secure tenant and obfuscated in the Central tenant
Check that the patron information in Item details, Loan details are obfuscated (Action ellipses)
Check a private request item in and ensure the private patron information is visible in the secure tenant and obfuscated in the Central tenant