- Build a workflow for your feature for non-ecs FOLIO that identifies the objects (Eg. User, order line, request, item etc.) needed at each stage of the workflow
- Identify where the objects (Eg. User, order line, request, item etc.) in your workflow are created/edit. Are they created by the member library or Central office?
- For each object highlight the "Links" or "References" that object has to other objects
- For each stage of the workflow. Identify the linked objects that are not available in the tenant in which the primary object is stored.
- Consider how the user might manage this linked object with the current design by adding a tenant selection to the search or filter component.
- Create a Jira feature for this functionality and label it "ecs"
- Consider how a user might accomplish the task within a single-tenant environment. Does that experience actually need to change when considering additional tenants? Where does it fall short and why?
- Could tenant context be pre-determined by the current affiliation for all the actions the user is taking?
- Could the user simply specify a specific tenant context with a dropdown in order to accomplish the task?
- Consider whether the object should be editable with permissions from the specific data tenant OR permissions from central tenant. Are there use cases that support allowing permissions to be controlled a certain way?
- What access/permission flexibility is required? Should all users be able to see linked data or only users with permissions in the tenant where the data is being stored?
- In designing features you must consider first how they will work within a tenant. Scaling up to multi tenant should NOT require significant changes to the user experience.
- What minimal UI changes could you propose for ECS enabled system that would allow users to complete the workflow?
- Create stories to test what should or should not appear when ECS IS NOT enabled.
- Create stories to test what should or should not appear when ECS IS enabled.
- Is the behavior different when the user is in the data tenant vs central tenant?
- Test permissions in both central and data tenant(s).