Link to recording
- Date
- Discuss how Libris could be utilized
- Draft vision document for an Open Source Bib Utility
There are several levels of access
Some libraries can only add holdings
Records from the National Library cannot be edited by others
People can add local information in holdings records
Other libraries can choose to take enrichment from other library holdings records or not. Maybe they could take enrichment from particular libraries.
Cataloging training every 6 months. Catalogers need to have training to get a permissions to edit records
How extensive is the training?
There is no item level.
Member libraries purchase records from vendors with creative commons license.
Z39.50 system to pull in records from other libraries.
All records are pulled in one at a time, or created locally
Export via OAI-PMH feed
Currently built on Swedish BibFrame. Adapting to LC BF could be difficult.
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
Draft Vision Document | | ||
Action items
- Invite Theodor Tolstoy to next meeting Lloyd Chittenden
- Invite Kristin Wilson Lloyd Chittenden