(11:00 AM Eastern)
- Please take a moment to check out FOLIO Jira. (No log in required to look around, but you'll want one eventually.
- Julie's Slides:
View file name FOLIO_ImplSIG_JIRA_230706_jb.pdf height 150 - There are some helpful links in Julie's slides–feel free to browse them in advance!
- Jira has their own documentation, including more specifics on how to search.
- Housekeeping
- Since last we met...
- Incomplete Actions
- Future SessionsFor realsies–we need a new product owner for locations and service points
- Also very much would love to find at least a convener for Reserves before our expert has to leave us
- Coming up this fall–weekly reminders that Implementers needs a convener for 2024!
- Release notes redesign: . Please post in the channel with any feedback.
- TOPICS: How can I use Jira
FOLIO_ImplSIG_JIRA_230706_jb.pdf - Closing
- Any actions or follow through?