- FOLIO Docs: https://docs.folio.org/docs/access/courses/courses/
- Courses Slack: https://folio-project.slack.com/archives/C9AFFJMM0
- Videos:
- Guides:
- Cornell Access Services Guide:
Widget Connector url https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qj0cKm4_xJ0Pyce8AcMclUy0qltWV3ImQZADgrEADXs/editTraining Manual
- Cornell Access Services Guide:
- Housekeeping
- Welcome newcomers and guests, and hello to the future! If you are watching this in the distant future 🚀, please remember that FOLIO changes quickly and you should check for updated information.
- Since last we met...
- Incomplete Actions
Task report columns description,assignee,location spaces COHORT2019 createddateFrom 01-01-2023 sortBy page title - Future Sessions
- Upgrades–please collect questions on slack or on the agenda for next week.
- A quick demo by Tara
- Discussion Questions
- What is the workflow like at the beginning of the semester (when presumably the volume of reserves requests is highest)? How tedious/ergonomic is it? Has anyone made tools to help alleviate any pain points with working with large numbers of reserves? (IAN)
- What differences are there in the workflow for professors' personal copies or other materials the library manages, but that are not part of the collection? (IAN)
- How are students discovering course reserves? Is it integrated into your discovery layer, or through a separate interface? (IAN)
- Are electronic reserves being handled in FOLIO, or in another system like Ares? If there are two systems, are they being presented to students as separate or merged interfaces? (IAN)
- What kind of statistics do you need about course reserves usage, and how are you getting them? (IAN)
- What sort of clean-up is done on previous semesters' data? Do old reserve records stick around forever, or are they pruned after X semesters? What about terms? (IAN)
- If you could change 3 things about the course reserves app with the wave of a magic wand, what would they be? (IAN)
- Do you use locations, loan types, or both? (TARA)
- <<Add Questions Here>>
- Closing Questions
- Do we want to schedule a second courses session to continue this discussion?
- How do we want to share the information we learned today? Create an "implementers guide" to Courses? Update the tips and tricks page?