Table of Contents |
The purpose of the document is getting results of testing Data Import Create MARC holdings records and to detect performance trends in Quesnelia in scope of ticket Jira Legacy server System Jira columnIds issuekey,summary,issuetype,created,updated,duedate,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution serverId 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc key PERF-855
Compared with results in previous test report: Data Import Create MARC holdings records [Poppy]
- Data import create holdings job durations increased significantly in Quesnelia release. 4 times longer with 10k file. And not defined increasing in 80k file because it was stopped after 4 hours of test run with only 46 committed jobs (total for the test was 81).
- Top CPU utilization: mod-inventory-b - 16%, nginx-okapi - 5%, mod-source-record-storage-b - 4%, mod-quick-marc-b - 7%. Such low resource utilization from modules side can be explained by DB queries huge average latency during INSERT and UPDATE processes which had lock on the same tuple.
- Top memory consumption: mod-inventory-storage-b - 85%, mod-data-import-b - 52%, mod-source-record-storage-b - 45%, mod-source-record-manager-b - 43%. Growing trend was defined in tests set #1 for mod-inventory-storage-b - 85%
- DI job duration for the same file size grew from test to test if to use the same instance HRID to create holdings
- DI perform faster if to use files with 1 unique instance HRID for every 1000 records. DI duration corresponds to file size with such approach. Memory utilized without growing trend. CPU and RDS utilization increased because there are less locks in DB.
Recommendations & Jiras
- Investigate growing trend for mod-inventory-storage in tests set #1 (using 1 instance HRID to create all Holdings).
- error status for the job - SNAPSHOT_UPDATE_ERROR
Test Runs
Profile used for testing - Default - Create Holdings and SRS MARC Holdings
Set of tests № | Scenario | Test Conditions | Status |
1 | DI Holdings Create (previous approach) 1 instance HRID for all created holdings | 1K, 5K, 10K, 80K sequentially | Completed |
2 | DI Holdings Create (new approach) 1 instance HRID for every 1000 created holdings | 1K, 5K, 10K, 80K sequentially | Completed |
Test Results
Set 1 - Files used to test DI create Holdings had 1 instance HRID for all created Holdings
Test | File | Duration: Orchid (previous results) | Duration: Poppy (previous results) | Duration: Quesnelia |
1 | 1k | 45s | 32s | 1 min 22 sec |
2 | 5k | 7m 47s | 2m 14s | 8 min |
3 | 10k | 19m 46s | 4m 35s | 22 min 40 sec |
4 | 80k | 20m (error*) | 36m 25s | 4 hours 13 min Stopped by user after 46 job COMMITTED from 81 - 56% finished 1 job status - ERROR, with error status - SNAPSHOT_UPDATE_ERROR (job number - 32, file_name = '1718290065265-80k_holdings_Create_32.mrc') |
Set 2 - Files used to test DI create Holdings had 1 unique instance HRID for every 1000 created Holdings (new approach)
Test | File | Duration: Orchid (previous results) | Duration: Poppy (previous results) | Duration: Quesnelia |
1 | 1k | 45s | 32s | 1 min 3 sec |
2 | 5k | 7m 47s | 2m 14s | 4 min 16 sec |
3 | 10k | 19m 46s | 4m 35s | 8 min 59 sec |
4 | 80k | 20m (error*) | 36m 25s | 52 min 5 sec |
Table contains comparison between Quesnelia and Poppy
Set #1
Test | File | Duration: |
Poppy | Duration: Quesnelia set #1 | Difference absolute | Difference percentage | ||
1 | 1k | 00:00:32 | 00:01:22 | 00:00:50 | 156% |
2 | 5k | 00:02:14 | 00:08:00 | 00:05:46 | 258% |
3 | 10k | 00:04:35 | 00:22:40 | 00:18:05 | 395% |
4 | 80k | 00:36:25 | 04:13:00 | 03:36:35 | 595% |
Set #2
Test | File | Duration: Poppy | Duration: Quesnelia set #2 | Difference absolute | Difference percentage |
1 | 1k |
00:00:32 | 00:01:03 | 00:00:31 | 97% | |
2 | 5k |
00:02:14 | 00:04:16 | 00:02:02 | 91% |
3 | 10k |
00:04:35 | 00:08:59 | 00:04:24 | 96% | |
4 | 80k |
00:36:25 | 00:52:05 | 00:15:40 | 43% |
Service CPU Utilization
Expand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Set #1
Set #2
Set #2: mod-inventory-b - 33%, nginx-okapi - 23%, mod-source-record-storage-b - 11%, mod-quick-marc-b - 7%
Set #1
Set #2
Memory Utilization
Expand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Set #1
Set #2
Set #1
Set #2
RDS CPU Utilization
DB CPU was about 80% for all tests except of 1k - 23%.
DB Connections
DB connections number- 505
DB Load
Set #1
62% for major part of the tests which is 20% less than in Poppy. It raised to 73% with 80k file after 50 minutes of test tun.
Set #2
99% during all tests
DB Connections
Set #1
DB connections number- 1430
Set #2
DB connections number- 1500
DB Load
Set #1
Set #2
SQL queries
Set #1
Set #2
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
UPDATE cs00000int_0001_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record SET jsonb = $1::jsonb WHERE id = '[UUID]'
INSERT INTO cs00000int_0001_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record (id, jsonb) VALUES ($1, $2) RETURNING jsonb
autovacuum: VACUUM cs00000int_mod_entities_links.authority
autovacuum: VACUUM cs00000int_mod_entities_links.authority_archive
autovacuum: VACUUM pg_toast.pg_toast_40004
INSERT INTO cs00000int_mod_search.consortium_instance (tenant_id, instance_id, json, created_date, updated_date)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3::json, $4, $5)
ON CONFLICT (tenant_id, instance_id)
DO UPDATE SET json = EXCLUDED.json, updated_date = EXCLUDED.updated_date
SELECT jsonb,id FROM cs00000int_0001_mod_inventory_storage.instance_holdings_item_view WHERE id='db87a6b4-d1f5-4e3d-b34b-d4bf06426127' LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
INSERT INTO cs00000int_0001_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record (id, jsonb) VALUES ($1, $2) RETURNING jsonb
UPDATE cs00000int_0001_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record SET jsonb = $1::jsonb WHERE id = '47ee9b78-3d8f-4e8b-b09e-82e9396eb3b3'
with "cte" as (select count(*) from "records_lb" where ("records_lb"."snapshot_id" <> cast($1 as uuid) and "records_lb"."external_id" = cast($2 as uuid) and "records_lb"."record_type" = $3::"record_type")) select "records_lb"."id", "records_lb"."snapshot_id", "records_lb"."matched_id", "records_lb"."generation", "records_lb"."record_type", "records_lb"."external_id", "records_lb"."state", "records_lb"."leader_record_status", "records_lb"."order", "records_lb"."suppress_discovery", "records_lb"."created_by_user_id", "records_lb"."created_date", "records_lb"."updated_by_user_id", "records_lb"."updated_date", "records_lb"."external_hrid", "marc_records_lb"."content" as "parsed_record_content", "raw_records_lb"."content" as "raw_record_content", "error_records_lb"."content" as "error_record_content", "error_records_lb"."description", "count" from "records_lb" left outer join "marc_records_lb" on "records_lb"."id" = "marc_records_lb"."id" left outer join "raw_records_lb" on "records_lb"."id" = "raw_records_lb"."id" left outer join "error_records_lb" on "records_lb"."id" = "error_records_lb"."id" right outer join (select * from "cte") as "alias_80949780" on true where ("records_lb"."snapshot_id" <> cast($4 as uuid) and "records_lb"."external_id" = cast($5 as uuid) and "records_lb"."record_type" = $6::"record_type") offset $7 rows fetch next $8 rows only
INSERT INTO cs00000int_0001_mod_source_record_manager.events_processed (handler_id, event_id) VALUES ($1, $2)
INSERT INTO cs00000int_0001_mod_source_record_manager.journal_records (id, job_execution_id, source_id, source_record_order, entity_type, entity_id, entity_hrid, action_type, action_status, error, action_date, title, instance_id, holdings_id, order_id, permanent_location_id, tenant_id) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17)
autovacuum: VACUUM pg_toast.pg_toast_40004
PTF - environment qcon
- 10 m6g.2xlarge EC2 instances located in US East (N. Virginia)us-east-1
- 1 database instances, writer