Compared with results in previous test report: Data Import Create MARC holdings records [Poppy]
- Data import jobs duration decreased significantly compared to the Orchid release results for all tests
- Top CPU utilization: nginx-okapi - 52%, mod-quick-marc-b - 45%, mod-inventory-b - 42%, mod-source-record-storage-b - 25%
- Top Memory consumption: mod-users-b - 60%, mod-data-import-b - 60%, okapi-b - 48%. There're no issues with memory.
- DI jobs duration is directly proportional to the size of the files being processed.
Recommendations & Jiras
INSERT INTO [tenant]_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record (id, jsonb) VALUES ($1, $2) RETURNING jsonb
Test Results
Profile used for testing - Default - Create Holdings and SRS MARC Holdings