- , briefly, to see all the choices? So this depends, obviously on the on your selection on the users, this are the user user ID, user barcode, external IDs and user name.
Unknown Speaker 11:01
So can be a saying in the chat that record identifier should have an asterisk? Because that is the that is the the
Unknown Speaker 11:12
required here. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 11:14
I think people will understand that that I have to choose something here.
Unknown Speaker 11:18
Okay. Okay, and we can easily we can implement this,
Unknown Speaker 11:25
is there a way to have the system generate a message when you try to drop something there? And it's inactive, that says, Choose an identifier?
Unknown Speaker 11:39
Unknown Speaker 11:45
Okay, I still exist, definitely the easiest way. And once we do the aesthetic look for the output to the MSA if the user misses it, so proposed solution. So
Unknown Speaker 12:09
I think maybe if we move, record types to the top, since it's affecting what you can see in record identifiers, and then record identifiers come second, and then your drag and drop.
Unknown Speaker 12:28
Yeah, that makes sense to me. Because if you're wanting the UX, the UI to guide people towards the order of operations, then you just put the stuff in the order of operations, like that would make sense.
Unknown Speaker 12:54
And I think that reordering would probably also solve Mark's problem, because it makes it logical.
Unknown Speaker 13:02
I think that would go a long way to hell.
Unknown Speaker 13:11
I wrote this in Yamo. So we know. So I know, we need to come back to this. The next issue or was about the columns that are displayed? I put the screenshots here, but the screenshots are not really readable here. So let me this is the performance, and I will use the same. Okay, so the question, right here was about how the columns are displayed and chosen. Actually, we discuss this in March, as a group and this is what we agreed upon. What are your suggestions? What would you suggest we do?
Unknown Speaker 14:10
So this one was my comment? So I'll just say that the reason I reacted to item effective location being there instead of location fields, is that I'm cannot directly act on effective location. And it seems like I would want to see the columns that hold the values that I'm actually going to act on. Maybe you
Unknown Speaker 14:29
can't act on effective comm number either, right.
Unknown Speaker 14:33
But that's not even a choice right now. So I wasn't worried about it, like I was trying to do. I was like trying to do an actual task, which was changed the location. And so like for, you know, for a UX test, that's what I do the thing that will be a test.
Unknown Speaker 14:52
So this is the point of the user acceptance testing, that you provide feedback like that. So should we get together again, or I can put the query and other query the survey. So we can discuss which columns should be available on the first load? And what, like, which one should be pre selected? And which one shouldn't be in the
Unknown Speaker 15:26
maybe? I can't remember because like everybody else, my brain is soup right now. But did we ever do like a coat sort exercise or anything else like that? That might?
Unknown Speaker 15:39
We did not what we did I think it was sometime in March, March. I don't remember the date. But this was in March, we can I would put together a survey, probably as simple a survey. And since we don't have a next week meeting, maybe we can, you can provide your feedback
Unknown Speaker 16:02
survey. If you would like me to do that I can, I can do again. Some do because a Qualtrics instance, I can do a sort on a, I can make a survey. They're
Unknown Speaker 16:13
awesome. Thank you, for the product columns in the I can send you the list of the fields, because obviously, there are more fields than there are here. And then we will discuss,
Unknown Speaker 16:28
well, is it a card sort on the stuff that's here under Show columns or a card sorted on every inventory value?
Unknown Speaker 16:36
inventory item along with what the group thinks? Should we stick to that those fields? Or should we expand?
Unknown Speaker 16:51
Because I just feel like the item record has a lot of stuff on it. And I feel like Yeah, and I feel like we kind of we almost certainly have what we would want in this list. The question is, how is it ordered?
Unknown Speaker 17:07
As I said, I didn't come up with this list out of the, we discussed? Yeah, obviously, we need to re discuss this. So once we are really discussing it, maybe we can start from zero and see what the group thinks. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 17:23
I'll just say one other thing that was like part of this feedback, it's that this is the only opportunity you have to choose these columns. So even if you look at this, and you're like, Okay, this is fine. When I upload my file, it's changing, say, the permanent location. And I get to that next screen, I can't make location, yes, I have one of the columns, then I made him
Unknown Speaker 17:43
Unknown Speaker 17:46
The combination, I guess more than like picking the perfect lists, like if that second screen could have a change. So I could be like, Oh, I forgot to pick that then that would be you know
Unknown Speaker 17:56
what I mean? I know what you mean. But I think to add the peak list on the other screen would be difficult. I'm not saying it cannot be done. I'm saying it may be difficult, I think it would be easier to implement to make it consistent. So once you select once you select your options here, once you select the columns here, the selection persists through all screens, through the usual form. And on the confirmation screen. So those are the columns you have selected.
Unknown Speaker 18:38
I mean, another option here is to go minimal on what's displayed and make it more obvious that you can pick things to add. So that people are like, hey, there's no location here. And then they go pick which location they want to look at.
Unknown Speaker 18:53
And I look
Unknown Speaker 18:57
lamentation because I think that it so I like Jen's second her first proposal of potentially adding the picklist to the six The following screen as well. But if that's more complicated, then I think forcing us to actually open it and select what we need to see all the options and then make the all the choose what we need to see for this operation is the important thing because I think actually the effective location is really important to have it just because really in combination, all three are really important if that's what you're focused on. Because I think for example, if you're controlling your permanent location from the Holdings Record, that item actually says none for the permanent location. And so, yeah, so we wouldn't so to put permanent location there for the i would be kind of nonsensical to write like, as a default, you still have to open it and add more. So I like the idea of going minimal and really just forcing you each time to go. Okay, I have to choose what I need for this operation right now. Let me check off what I need, and being forced to make that decision, so to speak. I don't think that's a burden.
Unknown Speaker 20:27
I would them, we will come back to this. Once we have a feedback from the from the survey, and we either do the way in volunteer with the Preakness or organizing the the fields. There is I'd like the option of bare minimum bare minimum to be displayed on this screen. But the question is, what would be the bare minimum? What? Do you want to have only barcodes? Or the what do you want to have to be displayed? And I do believe this would also be worried about we will about vary from scenario to scenario what what feelings are you planning to update? I will put
Unknown Speaker 21:27
just looking at that list and I will save the bare minimum have a barcode and item HR ID, then I would like something that kind of prompts me so I don't panic. That's that. That's all I can see. They say please choose please select more columns here or something.
Unknown Speaker 21:50
Yeah, I would say that too, is kind of like that identifier field, we need something to say select fire record, or whatever. You know, something that prompts it being up in the Actions menu is actually really far away from just that one thing in the middle degree.
Unknown Speaker 22:11
Can you repeat?
Unknown Speaker 22:14
So So when I'm looking at the screen, right, I have file name up top, and then I have preview of record match. And then I have errors. But the Action menu is really far away from indicating to me that this is how I select the columns, you have record matched. And just like we were saying that over for set criteria for record identifier, it just being blank is not helpful. It actually needs to kind of indicate to us it needs to prompt us by saying select Record identifier or whatever it was that we just agreed on, to prompt you to drop down in what you need to select. So it's almost like preview of record match needs also some kind of like little indicator select from fields. Like I was just speaking.
Unknown Speaker 23:02
So KIM Yeah. So Kimmy saying in the chat, you know, we could just put a note that says Choose Columns under the Actions button. So you add some text there. I guess the reason I'm kind of feeling not great about this, these proposals is I think more that I would be more comfortable with it. If I felt like I could choose it, and then it would stick. In other words, I don't want to do this every single time I'm coming into the app, and dealing with user thing. So we get to the idea of like user fully renewed the user profile system, which it doesn't have right, to be able to save like my local customer preferences and things. So I just I do feel like the order of what is there make sense? In some contexts, it doesn't make sense in every context, but there are some contexts where it does. I think Sarah's point about the fact that sometimes the location fields are completely blank is also very valid, right? You know, and that may have been part of where we were when we were first talking about the list. What we could do is we could do a cart sort for all the columns that are listed. We could do a card sort for every field and inventory if we wanted to do that. And then we could do a question that says, What would you consider to be the bare minimum? And just, you know, choose these values, and we can see what comes back?
Unknown Speaker 24:37
I thought the show column approach is consistent with other apps. I'm picking inventory because that's where I spend most of my time, but I know this is the behavior also in other places as well. So I would not expect this to be so I'm expected, I would say that if you don't see what you want to see, you would naturally go to action menu to select the columns.
Unknown Speaker 25:14
And probably MACRA, you are absolutely right. We're all new to the system. We're all getting into the system. So we haven't been using it enough to realize that we're going to be being trained by each app to do certain things and to look for certain things in certain places, right? We're still learning where things live. Like, right now, I would say I would never have thought to click on Actions to find that information, you know, to find more things to add, but asked me in a month, probably it's the like, the first thing that comes to mind, oh, yeah, just click there and, or an ad that, I will know that. But we're also
Unknown Speaker 25:54
I understand that this is a new product for you. But the approach of selecting columns is not specific. The behavior for bulk edit it is,
Unknown Speaker 26:07
it's a UI pattern that's across
Unknown Speaker 26:11
kind of likes the right my, my programmed reaction from our current system is to go to the ER and right click, but I don't see enough columns, you know, right click, and then the then this very show columns thing shows, is something to get used to.
Unknown Speaker 26:31
I think this is just a different approach, because your current systems probably not what web base you are, you're talking to the client. And so I let me put in the user feedback is that we will follow up with the survey.
Unknown Speaker 27:38
The next was about the record. This is important, and we have five minutes left, but maybe we can start talking about this. So this is the same file that was used by the person who provided the feedback, this feedback, and here's the behavior. The file contains 15 entries. Two of them are errors. So though, there are no matches for those two identifiers, so the 13 records that much the list here does not contain 13 Records much. The idea of the preview is to show Top 10 records. And the the way we discussed it, if you want to see more, you do the download master records, and you select and you'll see this in the CSV file. If this is not clear, and it needs to be readjusted, let's talk about this. Do you think the number of 10 is insufficient? It shouldn't be more if it's insufficient than how many would would satisfy the need. The other thing is, there is a bug right now because there is 32 it should show at least 10 is showing nine. So I find I found the back for this to find out why we are getting on the nine instead of instead of 10 The one thing that I don't I did not understand from the from the comments is about 11 marched with two errors. So was this day font file, or if the person who submitted it can provide a little bit more feedback, if they understand that that would be awesome I will reach out to the person directly. Let's go back and question of the preview