Time | Item | Who | Description | Goals/Info/notes |
5min | Administrivia | | |
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35 Min | Refund process | Holly Mistlebauer | Widget Connector |
url | https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1LgbcXIMkn-RZkdxf9ACNpXXvUMofWIs6/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109009310759711366749&rtpof=true&sd=true |
20 Min | The pros and cons of logic branching and advanced conditioning in notice and slip tempates | julie.bickle | - UICIRC-462 - Add the preferred name token to the list of patron notice tokens Draft
- UXPROD-2435 - Anonymous request identifier for staff slips and notices Draft
- UXPROD-3224 - Add token "Today's date" to staff slips + formating options Draft
I want to present a fews options with their pros and cons:
These requests are essentially logic branching. /+/ Customers get more control on what they can add to the template. /+/ "Only" one big development cycle. /-/ This is similar to writing code: the template editor will become much more complex. Are you ready for that? https://handlebarsjs.com/guide/builtin-helpers.html#if /-/ Is there a solution that can cover all our use cases? à Are there more cases of “computation” needed? Work around = For every case, created a new token, e.g. "either FirstName or PreferredName", where the branching is hard-coded. /+/ Writing templates doesn't get more complicated. /-/ Each token needs to go through the whole development cycle. /-/ The list of tokens could get very long... and the documentation must be meticulously maintained. à Would it really get that long?
One important question = how long does it take to develop? Could e.g. "Prefered name" be made available sooner, but still have the new template engine later? → Yes! If we can agree on the hard-code, developing a single token sooner would be faster. These are not either/or options.
Meeting Notes
Holly gave an explanation on how refunding of fees/fines currently works. See slideshow (note old specification included starting at slide 16). SIG members found the current system under-developed and potentially confusing, especially to student workers staffing the circulation desk. I