Attendees : Andy Horbal, Sarah Seestone, Jana Freytag, Dwayne Swigert, Laszlo Jakusovsky, David Bottoff, Andrea Loigman, Kimie Matsudo Kester, Sebastian Hammer Notes: Ian Ibbotson
- DB: Initial scope vs Ultimate Scope - Ultimate scope is full CDL/ILL but initially scope is internal.
- AL : Stages - start with CDL from our own offsite collections for our own people
- Then grow out into consortial ILL
- SS: Very much internal - Stanford Collections, internally - maybe eventually more broadly
- DB: Do / Don't we need to draw a distinction between ILL and internal
- Chicago - CDL for course reserves
- AH: Cornell - What CDL is may depend upon what is delivered
- Knowing what we are building towards may help institutions plan / decide
- AL: Draw a distinction between whole collections being sequestered vis item-by-item level
- DB: We should not draw the internal scope too narrowly to begin with
- Some current practice using GoogleDrive links to canvas in course-ware
- Sequester items for the duration of the course - check items out to proxy account
- Successful 2-3k items on course reserve loan using this approach
- DB affirmed need for this to be generalized - because different institutions will want to have radically different policies - E.G. Paging/Holds on items.
- Initial scope - not a delivery platform inside folio
- DB Question : Will this include a delivery platform
- SS: Question - what mechanism is being used to make items unavailable currently
- DB - pseudo patron
- SS: requirement - currently using ILS for charging to the user
- DB - rather see FOLIO develop something that can handle a better fidelity model of the distinction between sequestering the physical and loaning the digital.
- A question around the separation between physical and electronic items
- SS the challenge is that - absolute tie-in between A-physical-item and A-electronic-item - and have 1 item with a mode-of-access property.
- SH : Aspects of own-to-loan ratios
- DB +1 own to loan ratio is key
- Know that the physical item is sequestered
- know that the physical item is loaned
- DB +1 own to loan ratio is key
- AL : Asked SS about stanford Differentiating between physical and digital loans
- And noted that this is important
- AL : Usage - do we need more phyiscal or more electronic copies - we need to know when a different mode of access is used.
- Check out to pseudo paton - then layer some record-keeping on top of that - Symphony doesn't count the bindery/pseudo patron loan as a use. hold module can tell who held an item.
- Implementation can be brittle if datasets get out of sync
List of requirements:
Requirements should contain (needs more detail):