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Functional Area

Product Owner

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e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue


  1. Cate announced she is leaving the FOLIO project. Her last day is December 17. Also, Emma is leaving; today is her last meeting. The group is sad to see them leave and appreciative of their great work for RA development. New POs are needed on the project.

       2. Cate discussed UXPROD-2826. Revert loan when recall is cancelled. Currently the borrower is still bound by the truncated due date. The proposal is to revert to the original due date, notify the patron and uncheck flag "duedatechangebyrecall".

The group was split on the proposal. To be useful for larger sites it needs to be configurable at a level lower than tenant. Where? Request Management or loan rule or Loan policy. This is a future feature to be ranked. Nice to have but no one really has this in current ILS.

       3. Cate addressed Requests and patron comments coming from Discovery; for example, delivery instructions. Where should these appear in the Request CSV and Hold Shelf Clearance report. Fine to place them at the end of the data.

       4. Lastly, Cate discussed NFR questions for performance and capacity planning relating to Requests, Locations and Service points.

How many requests do you expect to handle per year, at the high end?  Thousands, 10s of thousands. 100s of thousands. GDPR will be purging closed requests.

How many service points? 50, 1500. might grow to use with workflows. need to speak with consortia sig. 200.
How many locations? hundreds, thousands.
How many folio users per day? hundreds.
What is the best time of day for system maintenence? site specific