To get an update of our status - what we are all doing, how things have gone, what we plan to do
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
| Welcome Back | Ingolf |
| Check-In to get an update of our status |
| free speak round - how is everyone doing, how are things going ?
- what went good, what was bad ?
- what are you planning to do next ?
| Meeting Notes: Jeremy integrated SAP financial system with Airflow. Jeremy will hold a talk on a Conference in Vancouver: Using ChatGPT to generate FOLIO inventory records. Also, go from MARC via AI to FOLIO ; maybe he can show some other time in SysOps. Nils was on a Library Convention in Linköping. People of the Finish National Library attended. Altogether 60 people. Many were interested in FOLIO. Linköping's FOLIO system integrates to the following Union Catalogueing systems: LIBRIS, EBSCO-Catalogue System.
Florian: One library (of Bavarian libraries) that uses ERM. set up Test Cluster
Florian developed ways to do Backups in Kubernetes Ingolf: Maybe Florian / BVB with Florian Kreft can show some of the slides you showed on the German FOLIO Conference, next time in SysOps ? Florian: minio and Grafana and Prometheus - Backup and Monitoring Florian Kreft did some work on Helm Charts Florian G. showed setup with Kubespray ; was recorded (in German) - maybe the FOLIO Helm Charst part can be done again in English Jeremy also uses Prometheus to do Monitoring FOLIO uses a lot or memory / Kafka and Elastic Search uses up a lot mod-source-record-manager - a Sys Ops topic Ingolf: Connection between FOLIO and the Union Catalgue was a topic at hbz. Need connection to ExLibris' Alma Network Zone by the end of 2024. Only 4 libraries come into question as a pilot partner, but non of them uses a local library system. Difficult to win them as a development partner for FOLIO. Other topics: From TC: supported technologies - most are only interesting for developers, but postgres version and java version also for Sys Ops : Poppy - Technical Council - FOLIO Wiki |
| Topics for future meetings: |
see above. Maybe demos by Florian G. & Florian K. Could be on Nov 17 ; Ingolf will co-ordinate. |
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