The current behavior of edge_patron is already similar. To place a hold currently at least the parameter 'pickup location id' is expected. Without edge_patron reacts with an error message. At this point an mock order could be triggered, to do a full evaluation.
(Currently such a mock order is not yet supported, bur requested -> Tickets).
Even though they are possible in principle, the first three possibilities seem inconsistent.
- In a departure from the previous example, there is a privileged group that is also allowed to order locally.
- Additionally, there is a third group that is allowed to order locally for a handling fee.
- edge_rtac
The orderability constraint should be specified as a property of the group.
Code Block | ||
| ||
{"limitations": [
{"place" [
{"ordinary": "non local"},
{"privileged": "also local"},
{"payer": "local for money"}
]} |
2. edge_patron
The pickup locations are filtered by readerandcopy. In the 'payer' group, the interface can ask whether to order locally for a fee. The
amount of the fee is supplied like the list of pickup locations from the mock order.
Reading room
1. A library has a collection order for an area. Media that have been procured for this purpose may not leave the building, but can be viewed.
2. Some of the media are stored in a closed magazine. For reading, these can only be ordered to special reading rooms. There the media can
be used exclusively during the loan period.
3. Additionally, there is a trusted group that is allowed to order to other pickup locations in the house.