FOLIO adopting libraries are interested in integrations with the following tools/external systems:
- Cybersource
- Moneris
Auxiliary Library Systems
- Institutional Repository
- Institutions who have adopted or plan to adopt FOLIO are known to be using EDS, VuFind, or Blacklight
- FOLIO supports OAI-PMH - seeĀ
- Some libraries may have additional discovery tools outside of their main discovery layer to support things like building maps or reporting missing items
- VuFind has developed a FOLIO driver - see https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/blob/dev/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/Folio.php
- FOLIO provides some modules to support patron and discovery connection - see
FOLIO adopting libraries are interested in integrations with the following tools:
- SpringShare LibApps
Auxiliary Systems
- Libraries may want to integrate FOLIO with their local institutional repository and/or digital collections system
External tools
At least one FOLIO adopter library is known to be using these tools/external systems:
- insert tool name
Desired integrations
FOLIO adopting libraries are interested in integrations with the following tools:
- insert tool name