- Most libraries need reporting tools to support daily operational needs and workflows, extend FOLIO functionality, and allow links to other systems
- Libraries who run reports need the ability to define, code and run custom defined reports.
External tools in use
- LDP (Library Data Platform) - see https://docs.folio.org/docs/reporting/
- Panorama - see https://www.ebsco.com/products/panorama
User Management
General notes:
- Support for authentication federationsMost academic libraries will want integration with a campus identity management system, as well as the ability to support users that are not in that system. The campus identity management system maintains identities, including inflow and outflow.
- Most academic libraries also need to support Single Sign-On, including support for federated signon, e.g.
- Day pass database/access control integration
use LMS patron data to verify eligibility and User management may also play a part in access control - Users data can verify eligibility, provide physical access (cardswipe/turnstile system) and credentials for provide network access (RADIUS, local AD domain)
- External tools that are not in user management area rely on user management workflows to govern authorization (e.g., locker rental DB at UChicago.)
Note that FOLIO provides a bulk update user account module - mod-user-import (https://github.com/folio-org/mod-user-import)
Tools in use
- PeopleSoft Campus Solutions
Resource Management