Metadata Management
- OCLC integrations
- WorldCat Metdadata API
- setting and deleting of holdings
- batch cataloging, import batches of OCLC records by OCLC number
- WorldCat Search API
- advanced searching of WorldCat
- used in workflows to feed OCLC numbers to Metadata API
Resource Access
- ILL & citation managers
- ILLiad, Relais D2D (runs consortial borrowing programs UBorrow , BorrowDirect), OCLC
- NCIP, Z39.50: four messages that need to be supported:
- AcceptItem
- PatronLookUp
- CheckOutItem
- CheckInItem
- ILLiad add-on pulls item info from LMS via API
- Self-check terminals and apps (MeeScan) (uses SIP2)
- Reserves management integration (Ares)
- must allow the remote system to place an item on reserve and remove from reserve
- may involve changing location, loan period, circulation status in support of this workflow
- Course management integration (Blackboard, Canvas, LTI)
- Ares add-on pulls item info from LMS via API
- Special Collections requisition (Aeon)
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