Versions Compared


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Table of Contents






CLUSTERlist<string>Name of cluster where project environment hosted
NAMESPACElist<string>Name of target environment where changes should be applied


list<string>Config for module deployment (cpu, memory, replica count, etc)
DEFAULT_TENANT_IDstringTenant id where module should be installed
INSTALL_JSONtextJson formatted install list of modules
LOAD_REFERENCEbooleanSet to true to load reference data during install
LOAD_SAMPLEbooleanSet to true to load sample data during install
SIMULATEbooleanSet to true to simulate installation before install
REINSTALLbooleanSet to true to re-enable modules during install
IGNORE_ERRORSbooleanSet to true to ignore errors during install


  1. Go to Jenkins
  2. Navigate to folioRancher -> folioDevTools -> moduleDeployment -> deployModulesFromJson
  3. Click Build with Parameters (if you didn't see this button, contact Kitfox team)
  4. Select parameters
    1. CLUSTER - Select name of the cluster where your rancher environment located
    2. NAMESPACE - Select name of target environment where module should be deployed
    3. CONFIG_TYPE - If needed select deployment config type
    4. DEFAULT_TENANT_ID - Set tenant id where module should be registered
    5. INSTALL_JSON - Type/Paste json formatted install list of modules
    6. LOAD_REFERENCE - Set to true if reference data needed
    7. LOAD_SAMPLE - Set to true if sample data needed
    8. SIMULATE - Set to true to simulate installation before install
    9. REINSTALL - Set to true if module should be reinstall (if same version already registered in okapi)
    10. IGNORE_ERRORS - Set to true to ignore errors during install
  5. Click Build button
  6. Wait for completion
