Versions Compared


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This document contains the results of testing List App refreshing of 200k records with multiple parallel workflows (Check-in/Check-out and Data import) and R/W split enabled in the Poppy release. The goal of testing is to assess the performance of mod-lists along with other workflows (CICO and DI) and R/W split enabled  and to measure mod-lists's impact on other modules


Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira


  • Load tests showed that average List App refresh duration in multiple-workflow test with R/W split enabled is 11.4 min.
  • ListApp duration while testig separately is 3.9 minutes less (7.5 min).
  • ListApp duration while testig with other workflows but with R/W split disabled is 6.3 minutes more  (17.7 min).
  • According to the results, maximum CPU utilization for DI+CICO test is about 126%, while with ListApp scenario added CPU reaches 150%.
  • CPU utilization of mod-lists and mod-fqm-manager for ListApp+DI+CICO test is up to 140% with R/W split enabled, while it reaches only 105% with R/W split disabled. 
  • RDS CPU utilization (writer instance) is about 96%  for DI+CICO test and it doesn't increase with ListApp scenario added. RDS CPU utilization for reader instance reaches 95% during ListApp+DI+CICO test.
  • RDS CPU utilizatoin for ListApp+DI+CICO (writer instance) didn't change in comparion with the same test but with R/W split disabled for mod-fqm-manager.
  • No memory leak is suspected for all the modules.

Test runs

Query used in lists - "Item status != Available". List refresh result is 200K records.


 R/W split disabled* R/W split enabled**

Testing separately

(ListApp and DI+CICO)

Testing in parallel

Testing separately

(ListApp and DI+CICO)

Testing in parallel

ListApp refresh, avg8.5 min17.7 min7.5 min (-1 min)11.4 min (-6.3 min)
Check-in, avg1.173 sec1.290 sec0.992 (-0.181 sec)1.087 (-0.203 sec)
Check-out, avg1.648 sec1.948 sec1.634 (-0.014 sec)1.765 (-0.183 sec)
DI Create 25k 18 min22 min13 min (-5 min)15 min (-7 min)

* Query used in lists - "Item status == Checked out". List refresh result is 200K records. Results are taken from previous test report: [Poppy] List App with multiple workflows and R/W split disabled test report

**Query used in lists - "Item status != Available". List refresh result is about 200K records.

Grafana results


ListApp + DI + CICO


ListApp + DI + CICO with  with R/W split disabled*

Image Removedservice_cpu_parallel_2.pngImage Added

*Results are taken from the previous report: [Poppy] List App with multiple workflows and R/W split disabled test report.


DB CPU Utilization

RDS CPU utilization (writer instance) is about 96% for writer instance 96%  for DI+CICO test and it doesn't increase with ListApp scenario added. RDS CPU utilization for reader instance reaches 95% during ListApp+DI+CICO test.

RDS CPU utilizatoin for ListApp+DI+CICO (writer instance) didn't change in comparion with the same test but with R/W split disabled for mod-fqm-manager.



PTF -environment pcp1

  • 10 m6i.2xlarge EC2 instances located in US East (N. Virginia)us-east-1
  • 1 database  instance, writer

    NameAPI NameMemory GIBvCPUsmax_connections
    R6G Extra Largedb.r6g.xlarge32 GiB4 vCPUs2731

  • MSK tenant
    • 4 m5.2xlarge brokers in 2 zones
    • Apache Kafka version 2.8.0

    • EBS storage volume per broker 300 GiB

    • auto.create.topics.enable=true
    • log.retention.minutes=480
    • default.replication.factor=3
