- [1-4] UploadDefinition is created for importing files in mod-data-import
- [2-3] JobExecution is created in mod-srm
- [5-7] MARC files are uploaded from WEB client to mod-data-import
- [6] Uploaded file is stored in memory of mod-data-import
- [8-9] User selects the JobProfile and initiates the processing of the uploaded files
- [10-11] Profile ID is set for JobExecution
- [12] MARC records are packed into batches and put to Kafka queue DI_RAW_RECORDS_CHUNK_READ
- [13-15] mod-srm reads batches from the queue, parses MARC records and passes to mod-srs via Kafka queue DI_RAW_RECORDS_CHUNK_PARSED. JobExecution is set to IN_PROGRESS status on first chunk received.
- [16-17] mod-srs stores records into PostgreSQL database and returns the result back via Kafka queue (broken records are also stored as 'error record') - DI_PARSED_RECORDS_CHUNK_SAVED
- [18-19] mod-srm reads the profile and creates JSON payload (containing parsed MARC) for processing. Exports it to an appropriate Kafka queue (one message per MARC entry) - DI_SRS_MARC_BIB_RECORD_CREATED
- [20-22] mod-inventory reads the message, creates Instance. Stores (via OKAPI HTTP) in mod-inventory-storage. At this point Instance UUID and Instance HRID are generated. Exports message DI_INVENTORY_INSTANCE_CREATED_READY_FOR_POST_PROCESSING
- [25-30] The post-processing stage: mod-srs reads message and updates according entry (Instance HRID is set to '001' MARC_BIB field, the value from '001' + '003' is moved to '035', Instance ID is set to '999 ff i' field). Creates new messages with updated payload DI_SRS_MARC_BIB_INSTANCE_HRID_SET. mod-inventory reads message from DI_SRS_MARC_BIB_INSTANCE_HRID_SET and updates Instance with updated identifiers fields - no new messages are sent at this point.
- [31] At the same time as in step [27] mod-srs sends DI_INVENTORY_INSTANCE_CREATED event
- [32-34] mod-inventory reads the message from DI_INVENTORY_INSTANCE_CREATED, maps (multiple if there is data for multiple Holdings supplied in the MARC record) and creates Holdings. For each permanent location found in the specified field there will be one Holdings created. Stores (via OKAPI HTTP) in mod-inventory-storage. Exports message to DI_INVENTORY_HOLDING_CREATED
- [37-40] mod-inventory reads the message from DI_INVENTORY_HOLDING_CREATED, maps and creates multiple Items. Stores (via OKAPI HTTP) in mod-inventory-storage. Exports message to DI_INVENTORY_ITEM_CREATED
- [43-44] mod-inventory reads message and exports to DI_COMPLETED
- [44-45] mod-srm receives DI_COMPLETED event, marks JobExecution as COMPLETED