In Progress
- One record on one tenant could be discarded with error:
Reproduces in both cases with and without splitting feature enabled in at least 30% of test runs with 500k record files and multitenant testing.Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc key MODDATAIMP-748 - During the new Data Import splitting feature testing, items for update were discarded with the error: io.vertx.core.impl.NoStackTraceThrowable: Cannot get actual Item by id: org.folio.inventory.exceptions.InternalServerErrorException: Access for user 'data-import-system-user' (f3486d35-f7f7-4a69-bcd0-d8e5a35cb292) requires permission: inventory-storage.items.item.get. Less than 1% of records could be discarded due to missing permission for 'data-import-system-user'. Permission was not added automatically during the service deployment. I added permission manually to the database and the error does not occur anymore.
Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc key MODDATAIMP-930 - UI issue, when canceled or completed with error Job progress bar cannot be deleted from the screen.
Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc key MODDATAIMP-929 - Usage:
- Should not use less than 1000 for RECORDS_PER_SPLIT_FILE. The system is stable enough to ingest 1000 records consistently and smaller amounts will incur more overheads, resulting in longer jobs' durations. CPU utilization for mod-di-converter-storage for 500 RECORDS_PER_SPLIT_FILE(RPSF) = 160%, for 1000RPSF =180%, for 5K RPSF =380% and for 10K RPSF =433%, so in the case of selecting configurations 5K or 10K we recommend to add more CPU to mod-di-converter-storage service.
- When toggling the file-splitting feature, mod-source-record-storage, mod-source-record-manager's tasks need to be restarted.
- Keep in mind about the Kafka broker's disk size (as bigger jobs - up to 500K - can be run now), consecutive jobs may use up the disk quickly because the messages' retention time currently is set at 8 hours. For example with 300GB disk size, consecutive jobs of 250K, 500K, 500K sizes will exhaust the disk.
- More CPU could be allocated to mod-inventory and mod-di-converter-storage
** - up to 10 items were discarded with the error: io.vertx.core.impl.NoStackTraceThrowable: Cannot get actual Item by id: org.folio.inventory.exceptions.InternalServerErrorException: Access for user 'data-import-system-user' (f3486d35-f7f7-4a69-bcd0-d8e5a35cb292) requires permission: inventory-storage.items.item.get. Less than 1% of records could be discarded due to missing permission for 'data-import-system-user'. Permission was not added automatically during the service deployment. I added permission manually to the database and the error does not occur anymore. Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc key MODDATAIMP-930
With CI/CO 20 users and DI 25k records on each of the 3 tenants Splitting Feature Disabled
Data Import Robustness Enhancement Jira Legacyserver System Jira serverId 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc key PERF-646
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | PERF-646 |
Memory utilization rich maximal value for mod-source-record-storage-b 88% and for mod-source-record-manager-b 85%.
Test 2. Test with 1, 2, and 3 tenants' concurrent jobs with configuration RECORDS_PER_SPLIT_FILE = 10K, 2 runs for each test.
Test 2. Test with 1, 2, and 3 tenants' concurrent jobs with configuration RECORDS_PER_SPLIT_FILE = 10K, 2 runs for each test.
RDS CPU Utilization
Test 1. Test with 1, 2, and 3 tenants' concurrent jobs with configuration RECORDS_PER_SPLIT_FILE = 500, 2 runs for each test. Maximal CPU Utilization = 95%
- tenant0_mod_source_record_storage.marc_records_lb = 9674629
- tenant2_mod_source_record_storage.marc_records_lb = 0
- tenant3_mod_source_record_storage.marc_records_lb = 0
- tenant0_mod_source_record_storage.raw_records_lb = 9604805
- tenant2_mod_source_record_storage.raw_records_lb = 0
- tenant3_mod_source_record_storage.raw_records_lb = 0
- tenant0_mod_source_record_storage.records_lb = 9674677
- tenant2_mod_source_record_storage.records_lb = 0
- tenant3_mod_source_record_storage.records_lb = 0
- tenant0_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers = 620042011
- tenant2_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers = 0
- tenant3_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers = 0
- tenant0_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers with field_no 010 = 3285833
- tenant2_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers with field_no 010 = 0
- tenant3_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers with field_no 010 = 0
- tenant0_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers with field_no 035 = 19241844
- tenant2_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers with field_no 035 = 0
- tenant3_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers with field_no 035 = 0
- tenant0_mod_inventory_storage.authority = 4
- tenant2_mod_inventory_storage.authority = 0
- tenant3_mod_inventory_storage.authority = 0
- tenant0_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record = 9592559
- tenant2_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record = 16
- tenant3_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record = 16
- tenant0_mod_inventory_storage.instance = 9976519
- tenant2_mod_inventory_storage.instance = 32
- tenant3_mod_inventory_storage.instance = 32
- tenant0_mod_inventory_storage.item = 10787893
- tenant2_mod_inventory_storage.item = 19
- tenant3_mod_inventory_storage.item = 19
PTF -environment ocp3
- 10 m6i.2xlarge EC2 instances located in US East (N. Virginia)us-east-1
2 database instances, one reader, and one writer
Name API Name Memory GIB vCPUs max_connections R6G Extra Large db.r6g.xlarge 32 GiB 4 vCPUs 2731 - MSK ptf-kakfa-3
- 4 m5.2xlarge brokers in 2 zones
Apache Kafka version 2.8.0
EBS storage volume per broker 300 GiB
- auto.create.topics.enable=true
- log.retention.minutes=480
- default.replication.factor=3
- Kafka topics partitioning: - 2 partitions for DI topics
Service versions for Splitting Feature test
Module ocp3-pvt Mon Sep 25 12:43:06 UTC 2023 | Task Def. Revision | Module Version | Task Count | Mem Hard Limit | Mem Soft limit | CPU units | Xmx | MetaspaceSize | MaxMetaspaceSize | R/W split enabled |
mod-data-import | 10 | mod-data-import:2.7.2-SNAPSHOT.137 | 1 | 2048 | 1844 | 256 | 1292 | 384 | 512 | false |
mod-search | 30 | mod-search:2.0.1 | 2 | 2592 | 2480 | 2048 | 1440 | 512 | 1024 | false |
mod-configuration | 8 | mod-configuration:5.9.1 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 128 | 768 | 88 | 128 | false |
mod-bulk-operations | 7 | mod-bulk-operations:1.0.6 | 2 | 3072 | 2600 | 1024 | 1536 | 384 | 512 | false |
mod-inventory-storage | 1 | mod-inventory-storage:26.1.0-SNAPSHOT.665 | 0 | 2208 | 1952 | 1024 | 1440 | 384 | 512 | false |
mod-circulation-storage | 15 | mod-circulation-storage:16.0.1 | 2 | 2880 | 2592 | 1536 | 1814 | 384 | 512 | false |
mod-source-record-storage | 12 | mod-source-record-storage:5.6.7 | 2 | 5600 | 5000 | 2048 | 3500 | 384 | 512 | false |
mod-calendar | 7 | mod-calendar:2.4.2 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 128 | 768 | 88 | 128 | false |
mod-inventory | 12 | mod-inventory:20.0.6 | 2 | 2880 | 2592 | 1024 | 1814 | 384 | 512 | false |
mod-circulation | 9 | mod-circulation:23.5.6 | 2 | 2880 | 2592 | 1536 | 1814 | 384 | 512 | false |
mod-di-converter-storage | 8 | mod-di-converter-storage:2.0.5 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 128 | 768 | 88 | 128 | false |
mod-pubsub | 9 | mod-pubsub:2.9.1 | 2 | 1536 | 1440 | 1024 | 922 | 384 | 512 | false |
mod-users | 9 | mod-users:19.1.1 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 128 | 768 | 88 | 128 | false |
mod-patron-blocks | 9 | mod-patron-blocks:1.8.0 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 1024 | 768 | 88 | 128 | false |
mod-source-record-manager | 12 | mod-source-record-manager:3.6.5-SNAPSHOT.245 | 2 | 5600 | 5000 | 2048 | 3500 | 384 | 512 | false |
mod-quick-marc | 7 | mod-quick-marc:3.0.0 | 1 | 2288 | 2176 | 128 | 1664 | 384 | 512 | false |
nginx-okapi | 7 | nginx-okapi:2023.06.14 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 128 | 0 | 0 | 0 | false |
okapi-b | 8 | okapi:5.0.1 | 3 | 1684 | 1440 | 1024 | 922 | 384 | 512 | false |
mod-feesfines | 8 | mod-feesfines:18.2.1 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 128 | 768 | 88 | 128 | false |
mod-notes | 7 | mod-notes:5.0.1 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 128 | 952 | 384 | 512 | false |
pub-okapi | 7 | pub-okapi:2023.06.14 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 128 | 768 | 0 | 0 | false |
To set splitting feature: Detailed Release Notes for Data Import Splitting Feature