Versions Compared


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Test #3 With CI/CO 20 users and DI 25k records on each of the 3 tenants

Test#3CI/CO Duration with DICI/CO Duration without DI
Check-In1.138 s0.517 s
Check-Out1.552 s0.796 s

Test#3DI Duration with CI/CODI Duration without CI/CO*
Tenant _120 min14 min (18 min for run 2)
Tenant _219 min16 min (18 min for run 2)
Tenant _316 min16 min (15 min for run 2)


  • tenant0_mod_source_record_storage.marc_records_lb = 9674629
  • tenant2_mod_source_record_storage.marc_records_lb = 0
  • tenant3_mod_source_record_storage.marc_records_lb = 0
  • tenant0_mod_source_record_storage.raw_records_lb = 9604805
  • tenant2_mod_source_record_storage.raw_records_lb = 0
  • tenant3_mod_source_record_storage.raw_records_lb = 0
  • tenant0_mod_source_record_storage.records_lb = 9674677
  • tenant2_mod_source_record_storage.records_lb = 0
  • tenant3_mod_source_record_storage.records_lb = 0
  • tenant0_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers =  620042011
  • tenant2_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers =  0
  • tenant3_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers =  0
  • tenant0_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers with field_no 010 = 3285833
  • tenant2_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers with field_no 010 = 0
  • tenant3_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers with field_no 010 = 0
  • tenant0_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers with field_no 035 = 19241844
  • tenant2_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers with field_no 035 = 0
  • tenant3_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers with field_no 035 = 0
  • tenant0_mod_inventory_storage.authority = 4
  • tenant2_mod_inventory_storage.authority = 0
  • tenant3_mod_inventory_storage.authority = 0
  • tenant0_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record = 9592559
  • tenant2_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record = 16
  • tenant3_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record = 16
  • tenant0_mod_inventory_storage.instance = 9976519
  • tenant2_mod_inventory_storage.instance = 32
  • tenant3_mod_inventory_storage.instance = 32 
  • tenant0_mod_inventory_storage.item = 10787893
  • tenant2_mod_inventory_storage.item = 19
  • tenant3_mod_inventory_storage.item = 19

PTF -environment ocp3 

  • 10 m6i.2xlarge EC2 instances located in US East (N. Virginia)us-east-1
  • 2 database  instances, one reader, and one writer

    NameAPI NameMemory GIBvCPUsmax_connections
    R6G Extra Largedb.r6g.xlarge32 GiB4 vCPUs2731

  • MSK ptf-kakfa-3
    • 4 m5.2xlarge brokers in 2 zones
    • Apache Kafka version 2.8.0

    • EBS storage volume per broker 300 GiB

    • auto.create.topics.enable=true
    • log.retention.minutes=480
    • default.replication.factor=3
  • Kafka topics partitioning: - 2 partitions for DI topics
