Modules needed
- edge-oai-pmh
- mod-oai-pmh
- mod-inventory-storage
- mod-source-record-storage
- okapi
Testing expectations
- Tenant level full harvest completes within less than 12 hours.
- Multiple concurrent harvests complete successfully - planned for the Q release.successfully
- Full and incremental harvests can run concurrently.
- Incremental harvests run every hour complete successfully
- Incremental harvests do not affect CI/CO and Data Import operations.
Data volumes
- Full harvest of eight million or records
- Incremental harvest of:
- 100 000 records
- 5 000 records
- 20 000 records
- 40 000 records
- Data import -2 000 instances (to be confirmed)
User records testing scenarios
- Full harvest:
- Record source SRS
- Record source= SRS and Inventory
- Incremental harvests (includes updates and additions for period specified by providing from" and "until" parameters)
Concurrent and consecutive tests:
Scenario 1. Run simultaneously full harvest and incremental harvests
Scenario 2. Run incremental harvests every hour every four hours and start data import at the same time
Scenario 3. Run incremental harvests every hourfour hours, start data import, test CO/CI
Failover tests:
- Determine likelihood of failover
- Does tasks restart?
- Does other task pick up the jobs that were in progress?