Versions Compared


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It's been found after testing that the actual durations of the imports performed were about 2 (two) times longer than what was reported. This is due to the PTF environment missing a DB trigger that, when restored, doubled the imports' durations.

Table of Contents


This document contains the results of testing Data Import Create MARC holdings records in pre-Nolana to detect performance trends.

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JiraJIRA


  • 10 m6i.2xlarge EC2 instances 
  • 2 instances of 'db.r6g.xlarge' database instances: one reader, and one writer
  • MSK
    • Broker type: kafka.m5.2xlarge
    • Total number of brokers: 4
    • Number of zones: 2
    • Brokers per zone: 2 
    • auto.create-topics.enable = true
    • log.retention.minutes=480
    • default.replication.factor=3
    • 2 partitions per DI topics
  • mod-data-import:2.6.1
    • 256 CPU Units
    • 2048/1844 Hard/Soft memory limits (MiB)
  • mod-data-import-converter-storage:1.15.1
    • 128 CPU Units
    • 1024/896 Hard/Soft memory limits (MiB)
  • mod-source-record-storage:5.5.2
    • 1024 CPU Units
    • 1536/1440 Hard/Soft memory limits (MiB)
  • mod-source-record-manager:3.5.4
    • 1024 CPU Units
    • 4096/3688 Hard/Soft memory limits (MiB)
  • mod-inventory:19.0.1
    • mod-inventory-b
      • 1024 CPU Units
      • 2880/2592 Hard/Soft memory limits (MiB)
      • inventory.kafka.DataImportConsumerVerticle.instancesNumber=10
      • inventory.kafka.MarcBibInstanceHridSetConsumerVerticle.instancesNumber=10
      • kafka.consumer.max.poll.records=10
    • mod-inventory-x
      • 1024 CPU Units
      • 2880/2592 Hard/Soft memory limits (MiB)
      • inventory.kafka.DataImportConsumerVerticle.instancesNumber=10
      • inventory.kafka.MarcBibInstanceHridSetConsumerVerticle.instancesNumber=10
      • kafka.consumer.max.poll.records=10
  • mod-inventory-storage:25.0.1
  • mod-search:1.8.0
    • 400 CPU Units
    • 2592/2480 Hard/Soft memory limits (MiB)
  • mod-quick-marc:2.5.0
    • 128 CPU Units
    • 2288/2176 Hard/Soft memory limits (MiB)
