Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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  1. POST required tenant to okapi
  2. Enable ['mod-login', 'mod-permissions', 'mod-configuration'] modules to be able to set up admin users. Notice that ['mod-users'] will also be enabled automatically.
  3. Create necessary user with credentials, and then add existing permissions of enabled modules to the user.
  4. Enable ['folio_users'] - when posting non-central tenants (isCentral = false) to consortium shadow admin user (of 'centralAdmin') will be created automatically with permissions ['ui-users.editperms'] so we need this module enabled before posting non-central tenant. Notice Note that ['mod-tags-password-validator', 'mod-authtoken', 'mod-users-bl', 'mod-pubsub', 'mod-notes', 'mod-inventory-storage', 'mod-circulation-storage', 'mod-event-config', 'mod-template-engine', 'mod-authtokencalendar', 'mod-patron-blocks', 'mod-email', 'mod-sender', 'mod-notify', 'mod-feesfines', 'mod-password-validationcirculation', 'mod-tags'] will also be enabled automatically.
  5. Enable ['mod-consortia'].
  6. Add ['consortia.all'] permission to both created users. 


  • 'users' table in 'central_mod_users' - real users in all tenants should be saved here;
  • 'user_tenant' in 'central_mod_consortia' - primary and non-primary associations should be saved here;
  • 'user_tenant' in 'central_mod_users' - real users in all tenants should be saved here with 'tenant' information;
  • 'users' table in 'university_mod_users' - real users of 'universityTenant' and users who have non-primary association in 'universityTenant'  should be saved here.

test-idScenariosub-scenarios (action and verification)


Verify there are following records for  'consortiaAdmin':

1. 'consortiaAdmin' has been saved in 'users' table in 'central_mod_users'
2. 'consortiaAdmin' has been saved in 'user_tenant' table in 'central_mod_users'
3. primary affiliation for 'consortiaAdmin' has been created in 'user_tenant' table in 'central_mod_consortia'
4. shadow 'consortiaAdmin' has been saved in 'users' table in 'university_mod_users'
5. non-primary affiliation for shadow 'consortiaAdmin' has been created in 'user_tenant' table in 'central_mod_consortia'
6. verify shadow 'consortiaAdmin' has required permissions (in 'universityTenant')


Verify there are following records for 'consortia-system-user' of 'centralTenant':

1. 'consortia-system-user' has been saved in 'users' table in 'central_mod_users'
2. 'consortia-system-user' has been saved in 'user_tenant' table in 'central_mod_users'
3. primary affiliation for 'consortia-system-user' has been created in 'user_tenant' table in 'central_mod_consortia'
4. 'consortia-system-user' has required permissions


Verify there are following records for 'universityUser1':

1. 'universityUser1' has been saved in 'users' table in 'university_mod_users'
2. 'universityUser1' has been saved in 'user_tenant' table in 'central_mod_users'
3. primary affiliation for 'universityUser1' has been created in 'user_tenant' table in 'central_mod_consortia'
4. shadow 'universityUser1' has been saved in 'users' table in 'central_mod_users'
5. non-primary affiliation for shadow 'universityUser1' has been created in 'user_tenant' table in 'central_mod_consortia'
6. shadow 'universityUser1' has empty permissions (in 'centralTenant')


Verify there are following records for 'consortia-system-user' of 'universityTenant':

1. 'consortia-system-user' has been saved in 'users' table in 'university_mod_users'
2. 'consortia-system-user' has been saved in 'user_tenant' table in 'central_mod_users'
3. primary affiliation for 'consortia-system-user' has been created in 'user_tenant' table in 'central_mod_consortia'
4. 'consortia-system-user' has required permissions
5. shadow 'consortia-system-user' has been saved in 'users' table in 'central_mod_users'
6. non-primary affiliation for shadow 'consortia-system-user' has been created in 'user_tenant' table in 'central_mod_consortia'
7. shadow 'consortia-system-user' of 'universityTenant' has empty permissions (in 'centralTenant')


Add permissions of 'consortiaAdmin' to shadow 'consortiaAdmin'

#Note. There will be only one admin user, so need to add permissions of 'consortiaAdmin' to shadow 'consortiaAdmin'



Create a user called 'centralUser1' in 'centralTenant' and verify there are following records:

create user called 'centralUser1' in 'centralTenant'
1. 'centralUser1' has been saved in 'users' table in 'central_mod_users'
2. 'centralUser1' has been saved in 'user_tenant' table in 'central_mod_users'
3. primary affiliation for 'centralUser1' has been created in 'user_tenant' table in 'central_mod_consortia'


POST, DELETE, re-POST non-primary affiliation for 'centralUser1' verify there are following records:

#Note. We have 'centralUser1' in 'centralTenant' (circ-6)

POST non-primary affiliation for 'centralUser1' (for 'universityTenant')
1. shadow 'centralUser1' has been saved in 'users' table in 'university_mod_users'
2. shadow 'centralUser1' has empty permissions (in 'universityTenant')
DELETE non-primary affiliation for 'centralUser1' (for 'universityTenant')
3. shadow 'centralUser1' has been deactivated (in 'users' table in 'university_mod_users')
re-POST non-primary affiliation for 'centralUser1' (for 'universityTenant')
4. shadow 'centralUser1' has been reactivated (in 'users' table in 'university_mod_users')


Verify DELETE, re-POST of non-primary affiliation does not affect permissions of the user:
#Note. We have shadow 'centralUser1' in 'universityTenant' with 'active'=true, and empty permission

1. add non-empty permission to shadow 'centralUser1'
2. get updated permissions of shadow 'centralUser1'
DELETE non-primary affiliation for 'centralUser1' (for 'universityTenant')
re-POST non-primary affiliation for 'centralUser1' (for 'universityTenant')
3. verify that permissions of shadow 'centralUser1' after re-POST is not changes