3 poLines per order (1 item) | 5k rec | 10k rec | 30k rec |
Profile: Default create instance & SRS MARC BIB | "startedDate" : "2023-03-15T17:22:44.416+00:00", "completedDate" : "2023-03-15T17:27:22.393+00:00", 3 min | "startedDate" : "2023-03-15T17:28:15.385+00:00", "completedDate" : "2023-03-15T17:39:07.001+00:00", 11 min | "startedDate" : "2023-03-15T17:40:05.862+00:00", "completedDate" : "2023-03-15T18:12:30.559+00:00", 32 min |
(*) mark: the 500 records import was finished with 35 errors and 10k records import was imported with 700 errors. All errors look like this:
HttpException: {"message":"ISBN value is invalid","code":"invalidISBN","parameters":[{"key":"isbn","value":"9719429267 (pbk.)"}]}
HttpException: {"message":"ISBN value is invalid","code":"invalidISBN","parameters":[{"key":"isbn","value":"9781405734240 (v.1)"}]}
Profile: BF Default: MARC file import with creating of new instance, holding and item | "startedDate" : "2023-03-16T15:33:10.726+00:00", "completedDate" : "2023-03-16T15:38:55.351+00:00", 5 min | "startedDate" : "2023-03-16T15:41:39.053+00:00", "completedDate" : "2023-03-16T15:55:22.105+00:00", 14 min | "startedDate" : "2023-03-16T18:38:24.782+00:00", "completedDate" : "2023-03-16T19:24:57.711+00:00", 46 min(*) |
(*) mark: 1 error in Item creation: