Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


  • 79 back-end modules deployed in 153 ECS tasks (changed. In Lotus, it was75 back-end modules deployed in 159 ECS tasks)
  • 3 okapi ECS tasks
  • 10 m6i.2xlarge  EC2 instances (changed. In Lotus it was 9 m5.xlarge)
  • 2 db.r6g.xlarge AWS RDS instance
  • INFO logging level
  • mod-inventory (running tasks -2)
    • 1024 CPU units, 1684 MiB
  • mod-inventory-storage (running tasks -2)
    • 1024 CPU units, 1684MB mem
  • mod-circulation (running tasks -2)
    • 1024 CPU units, 896MB mem
  • mod-circulation-storage (running tasks -2)
    • 1024 CPU units, 1024MB mem
  • mod-pubsub (running tasks -2)
    • 1024 CPU units, 1296 MiB
  • mod-patron-blocks (running tasks -2)
    • 1024 CPU units, 896MB mem
  • mod-feesfines (running tasks -2)
    • 128CPU units, 896MB mem
  • mod-authtoken (running tasks -2)
    • 128 CPU units, 896MB mem
  • okapi (running tasks -3)
    • 1024 CPU units, 1360 MB mem

High Level Summary

  • Morning Glory performs much better than Lotus response times for check-ins are mid 400ms, checkout 600ms - 800ms, with little variations between 1 and 50 users
  • Worst-performing APIs are only POST /checkin-by-barcode and POST /checkout-by-barcode.  They have improved since Lotus, now averaging in the mid 200ms even in the 50 users scenario.
    • GET /circulation/loans takes 107ms in the 20 users and 50 users cases.



Virtual Users


Load generator size (recommended)Load generator Memory(GiB) (recommended)


1 user30 minst3.medium3


5 users30 minst3.medium3


8 users30 minst3.medium3


20 users30 minst3.medium4
5.50 users30 minst3.large6
9.20 users longevity16 hourst3.xlarge14


Response Times (Average of all tests listed above, in seconds)



1 user  MG (75th %tile)

1 user LT (75th %tile)

5 users MG (75th %tile)

5 users LT (75th %tile) 8 users MG (75th %tile)8 users LT (75th %tile)20 users MG (75th %tile)20 users LT (75th %tile)50 users MG (75th %tile)50 users LT (75th %tile)
POST checkout-by-barcode296435217330211349204384205-
POST checkin-by-barcode 275386199298199315189348186-
GET circulation/loans152222113161109172107196107-
GET inventory/items609744714067397541-

Image Added

Longevity Test

Longevity test shows that Check Out response time increased as time went on, but not as aggressive as in Lotus. 

Check InCheck Out
1st Hour0.389s0.633s
8th Hour0.348s0.666s
15th Hour0.364s0.754s

In the response time graph below the Checkout Controller time, which gathers all check-out API response times), increased over the 16-hours window, from just 0.633s to 0.754s. 


The timeline highlighted below encompasses all 5 test runs (1, 5, 8, 20, and 50 users).

Image Modified

Modules CPUs and Memory Utilization
