- PO was able to use more than 1 front-end implementations of the feature and define the version that is most feasible for users (for instance, two different versions were deployed on an env and each had it's own link)
from UI perspective here are steps to deploy separate feature-branches of modules to a separate app URL (same tenant):
- https://rancher.dev.folio.org/ Apps - clone platform-complete (change name of the app, no digits, Namespace - thunderjet, put desired url in ingress.hosts[0].host)
- checkout platform-complete repo, make sure you have latest snapshot branch, delete locally and checkout thunderjet-rancher branch. Rebase platform-complete/thunderjet-rancher to the latest snapshot branch
- create new branch of platform-complete from thunderjet-rancher branch (thunderjet-rancher-your-feature)
- edit .rancher-pipeline.yml: ingress.hosts[0].host, name - your rancher cloned app name, branch/include - put your branch)
- edit package.json to point for branches with your code ("@folio/orders": "git://github.com/folio-org/ui-orders.git#UIOR-623",), run yarn and commit changes for yarn.lock as well.
- publish that branch and you can Run pipeline in rancher (Resources/Pipelines/platform-complete, choose your branch), it should build and deploy customized platfrom-complete under new url and the same tenant