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In this workflow, we are checking the performance of POST /loan-storage/loans API for creating loans in bulk in the Honeysuckle release

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JiraJIRA
IC's normally create loans in bulk using mod-circulation business logic which is slow. This is an investigation if the same can be done using the mod-circulation-storage module bypassing business logic.


  1. For 1 user, in 30 minutes, we can create 71on average 72,099 180 loans in bulk by making a request directly to storage API POST /loan-storage/loans. Therefore, we can create 142144,198 361 loans in 1 hour.
  2. On average it takes 25 milliseconds to create 1 loan


Memory is stable for all modules involved. Okapi is relatively higher but stable at 90%


For more raw data of the test run please see the attached loan-storage-test-report-honeysuckle.xlsx for Honeysuckle.