The purpose of this page is describing module release practical procedures. Mainly these steps are based on general "Release Procedure" but contains some of refinements found in the process of recent release procedures.
14) Annonce in Slack about a new release in the #release
thread (example of message):
`edge-oai-pmh 2.2.1`
has been released
2) Create a release branch from there, for example: MODINVSTOR-524/release-19.2.3
git checkout -b MODINVSTOR-524/release-19.2.3
3) Cherry pick into prevoiusly created release branch all needed commits from mainstream development branch, i.e. master
. Make any extra fixes, if any changes needed, and commit them into previously created release branch*.
git cherry-pick <commit_hash>
*Don't forget to back porting extra fixes into mainstream development branch, i.e. master
, if these changes valuable not only for particular bugfix release.
6) mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=19.2.3-SNAPSHOT
(here we set the version of bugfix release, it conists of preparing relese's number with added prefix: "-SNAPSHOT
") *;
6.1) commit version number changes made in the pom.xml
git commit -a -m "Prepare for next development iteration"
* This step can be skipped if pom.xml currently contains correct number of preparing release.
7) mvn --batch-mode -DautoVersionSubmodules=true release:clean release:prepare
(runs maven release buld process. Here release number and rest of data set up automatically without any dialogs, based on version's set from previous step);
8) git push origin MODINVSTOR-524/release-19.2.3 && git push --tags
origin MODINVSTOR-524/release-19.2.3
(pushing local changes, release notes in this case, with tags to remote stash. These changes are pushed to remote "long-live" branch b19.2
9) Go to the module's repository on GitHub and create a new "Pull request
" of pushed relaese branch (MODINVSTOR-524/release-19.2.3
) into the "long-live release branch - b19.2
in or case,
`mod-inventory-storage 19.2.3`
has been released