Versions Compared


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The purpose of this page is describing module release practical procedures. Mainly these steps are based on general "Release Procedure" but contains some of refinements found in the process of recent release procedures. 


1) git checkout master (swith to the main development branch);

2) git pull (retrive latest changes to branch);

3) git checkout -b tmp-release-2.2.1 (create a new release branch);

4) vi (edit release notes file and add description of release's features. Example below);

This release includes minor bug fixes for edge-oai-pmh module (Q2/2020).

5) git commit -m "Update NEWS" (commit changes in release notes files);

6) mvn -DautoVersionSubmodules=true release:clean release:prepare (run maven release buld process. Here we need to check and setup release number, tag number and next feature version number)


11) Annonce in Slack about a new release in the #release thread (example of message):

`edge-oai-pmh 2.2.1` has been released

2. Bugfix Release.

This kind of release require cration (if none)  or reusing as named "long-live" branch, which contains only chnages prepared for this partucular release. Those branches has the name kind b19.2. In this description we goind to prepare build number 19.2.3 into the long-lived branch b19.2.

To create "long-live" branch please folow these steps:

  • git checkout -b b19.2 v19.2.0 (create release branch from last recent relase tag. So that this bugfix release will be based on previous general release point, i.e.  - release v.19.2.0.);
  • mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=2.3.1-SNAPSHOT (here we specify version of next snapshot);
  • git commit -a -m "release branch" (commit verson chnages into new bugfix release branch);
  • git push (push changes to git stash server).

Now if we have or already prepared "long-live" branch, please follow these steps to prepare bugfix release:

1) git checkout b19.2 (switch into "long-live" release branch);

2) vi ()

3) git commit -m "Update NEWS" ()

4) mvn --batch-mode -DautoVersionSubmodules=true release:clean release:prepare ()

5) git push && git push --tags ()

6) Run release job (log in to Jenkins and trigger Build Now). Please don't forget to build release's envitronment !!!

7) Mark ticket in Jira as Released and add next versions.

8) Annonce in Slack about a new release in the #release thread (example of message):

`mod-inventory-storage 19.2.3` has been released