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  1. Make sure yarn and npm are configured to the folio packages:

    Code Block
    yarn config set @folio:registry
    npm config set @folio:registry

  2. Install stripes-cli globally:

    Code Block
    yarn global add @folio/stripes-cli

  3. Create a new workspace (chose modules you want to have locally and make developing on them). Make sure to choose stripes-sample-platform, where the configuration of modules should be done. 

    Code Block
    stripes workspace

    Pick the bare minimum modules below or custom ones

    - stripes-sample-platform
    - ui-users

    The above will create I directory.

  4. Navigate to stripes/stripes-sample-platform. Make sure to rename .stripesclirc.example to .stripesclirc or just create new .stripesclirc file and make sure it contains the following:

    Code Block
      "okapi": "http://localhost:9130",
      "tenant": "diku",
      "configFile": "stripes.config.js",
      "port": 8080

    Also, make sure the package.json has the following set of dependencies. Make sure to keep dependencies up to date with what is run on folio environments like folio-testing.

    Code Block
      "dependencies": {
        "@folio/stripes": "^2.7.3",
        "react": "~16.6.0",
        "react-dom": "~16.6.0",
        "react-redux": "~5.1.1",
        "react-router-dom": "^5.0.1",
        "redux": "~3.7.2"

  5. Now it is possible to run the platform from stripes/stripes-sample-platform folder with the command below. Make sure okapi (okapi property abovein .stripesclirc) backend is up. It could be a local environment or one of the remote environments.

    Code Block
    stripes serve // when server runs locally
    stripes serve --okapi <okapiURL> // override okapi value from .stripesclirc when server is not locally set up. The command can be ommited if the url is changed in .stripesclirc to what it really should be.

  6. At this moment the UI development server is up and can be accessible on https://localhost:8080. Credentials: *diku_admin/admin*
