
  1. Scheduled-style mechanism

    This group of approaches is based on periodic scanning of all saved pieces and determining the status of poline on this basis. A typical algorithm for such mechanism might look as shown on Figure 1.

    Checking and updating the PO line status upon retrieving

    PostgreSQL Trigger Functions

    Figure 1 - A general algorithm of mechanisms based on periodic scanning of the entire set of pieces.

    Particular implementations of this approach are presented below.

    Vert.X Periodic Timer

    Within the Vert.X features #_executing_periodic_and_delayed_actions

    Interceptor-style mechanisms

    one can implement a mechanism that periodically retries the pieces and checks the status of the poline, changing it if necessary. There is a need to develop a mechanism that monitors pieces status in cluster mode, when each mod-orders / mod-orders-storage instance will start the scheduler entity. Thus, it is necessary to provide a solution so that the instances of the scheduler from each mod-orders / mod-orders-storage do not compete and do extra pieces checking.

    Separate Scheduler Application

    PostgreSQL cron-job


  2. Interceptor-style mechanisms

    Checking and updating the PO line status upon retrieving

    PostgreSQL Trigger Functions

Solution Proposal