Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
  • eol-last
  • key-spacing
  • padding-line-between-statements
  • comma-dangle
  • max-len
  • eol-last
  • no-multiple-empty-lines
  • no-this-before-super
  • refer-destructuring
  • prefer-object-spread
  • jsx-quotes
  • prefer-const
  • promise/prefer-await-to-then

  • react/sort-comp
  • react/jsx-one-expression-per-line
  • react/jsx-closing-bracket-location
  • react/jsx-closing-tag-location

  • react/jsx-wrap-multilines

  • react/jsx-curly-spacing


Code Block
// using const.
const a = 0;

// it's never initialized.
let a;


Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

Code Block
function example() {
  return myPromise.then(doSomethingSync).then(doSomethingElseAsync)

function exampleTwo() {
  return myPromise

Examples of correct code for this rule:

Code Block
async function example() {
  let val = await myPromise()
  val = doSomethingSync(val)
  return doSomethingElseAsync(val)

async function exampleTwo() {
  try {
    let val = await myPromise()
    val = doSomethingSync(val)
    return await doSomethingElseAsync(val)
  } catch (err) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with   ["error", {  order: [ 'static-methods', 'lifecycle', 'render', 'everything-else' ], groups: <groups> }] option:
