- Sunflower 2025-R1 releaseUIPQB-200
- [QB] Display a meaningfull error text when the POST /lists is failingUIPQB-199Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Spike: determine what changes are needed to support querying nested fields in the Query Builder UIUIPQB-197
- Make the query builder display lists of columns in the order in which they come back from mod-fqm-managerUIPQB-196
- [QB] [Custom fields] Deleted custom field values are still appearing in the result tableUIPQB-195
- Value prepopulated with "Select value" when switching operatorsUIPQB-193Resolved issue: UIPQB-193
- [Lists] [QB] The placeholder "Select value" appears as the selected option in the "Values" dropdownUIPQB-194
- [Lists] The columns are missing in the "Actions" dropdown, after modifying the list.UIPQB-198Resolved issue: UIPQB-198Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Query builder shouldn't show 0 results when a query failsUIPQB-192Resolved issue: UIPQB-192Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Operator values not friendly for screenreadersUIPQB-191
- migrate react-intl to v7UIPQB-190Resolved issue: UIPQB-190Vadym Shchekotilin
- migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsUIPQB-189Resolved issue: UIPQB-189Vadym Shchekotilin
- Ignore/remove invalid fields when editing a query in the query builderUIPQB-188Resolved issue: UIPQB-188
- Ignore/remove invalid values for dropdown fields when editing a query in the query builderUIPQB-187Resolved issue: UIPQB-187Uladzislau Kutarkin
- The query with "Contains" doesn't return any value if there is a space at the end of valueUIPQB-186Resolved issue: UIPQB-186
- Missing spaces and pipe delimiter for some fieldsUIPQB-185Resolved issue: UIPQB-185Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Show array field labels in "Query" box of query builderUIPQB-184Resolved issue: UIPQB-184Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Show custom field labels in "Query" box of query builderUIPQB-183Resolved issue: UIPQB-183Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Add ability to remove first query parameterUIPQB-182Resolved issue: UIPQB-182Uladzislau Kutarkin
- [QB] The user-friendly query contains random dates instead of true/false valuesUIPQB-181Resolved issue: UIPQB-181Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Don't reset 'Value' when operator is changedUIPQB-180Resolved issue: UIPQB-180Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Boolean queries show incorrect result for false queryUIPQB-179Resolved issue: UIPQB-179Noah Overcash
- Add support for ad-hoc ETs in addition to ET IDsUIPQB-178
- Add an ad-hoc entity type builder to the query builderUIPQB-177
- Add an entity type selector to the query builderUIPQB-176
- [QB] Displays the "Smth went wrong" page, when the user clicks on "Select operator" dropdown and selects any of them, if there are deleted custom fieldsUIPQB-175Resolved issue: UIPQB-175Uladzislau Kutarkin
- [QB][Migrations] Item_id isn't handled correctlyUIPQB-173Resolved issue: UIPQB-173Emma_Haroyan
- [QB] Fields are empty after succesfull migration if the query contains "AND" operatorUIPQB-169Resolved issue: UIPQB-169Emma_Haroyan
- [QB] It's not possible to edit the query which contains not supported fieldsUIPQB-168Resolved issue: UIPQB-168Noah Overcash
- Columns are reset when user modifies queryUIPQB-164Resolved issue: UIPQB-164Uladzislau Kutarkin
- [QB] The user gets stuck in the QB when the query is invalidUIPQB-163Resolved issue: UIPQB-163
- Invalid fields handling > Errors when query includes a modified custom fieldUIPQB-162Resolved issue: UIPQB-162Uladzislau Kutarkin
- [QB] Update the text in the query builder after 3 attempts result in 500 errorsUIPQB-160Resolved issue: UIPQB-160Uladzislau Kutarkin
- “No matching items found!” displayed when it takes longer to populate dropdownUIPQB-158Resolved issue: UIPQB-158Vadym Shchekotilin
- Add stop polling mechanism for useAsyncDataSource after 3 retriesUIPQB-157Resolved issue: UIPQB-157Uladzislau Kutarkin
- [Lists] Empty columns are displaying when the user duplicates the list and the refresh is in progressUIPQB-159Resolved issue: UIPQB-159Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Nested table data display is inconsistent with regular result viewerUIPQB-156Resolved issue: UIPQB-156Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Add messaging regarding user timezone nuancesUIPQB-155Noah Overcash
- [QB] It's not possible to search for the fields which have (') in their namesUIPQB-153Resolved issue: UIPQB-153
- ReleaseUIPQB-151Resolved issue: UIPQB-151
- [QB] Time component displays in the "MM/DD/YYYY" field, when we try to modify the queryUIPQB-150Resolved issue: UIPQB-150
- [QB] Some of the fields are not clickable and editable regardless of their typeUIPQB-148Resolved issue: UIPQB-148
- [QB] It's not possible to update the "MM/DD/YYYY'" field in the QBUIPQB-149Resolved issue: UIPQB-149
- Filtering of available values is case sensitiveUIPQB-147Resolved issue: UIPQB-147Vadym Shchekotilin
- Nested Table Fails to Display Results for Boolean True/False ValuesUIPQB-145Resolved issue: UIPQB-145Noah Overcash
- Translate language codes to languages in the ResultsViewerUIPQB-143Resolved issue: UIPQB-143Vadym Shchekotilin
- Remove the “not equal” operator from UUID fieldsUIPQB-144Resolved issue: UIPQB-144Kriti Jain
- [QB] It's not possible to select the current date from the DatePickerUIPQB-138Resolved issue: UIPQB-138Uladzislau Kutarkin
- [SPRINT TESTING] [QB] Preview of first 100 records doesn't display after successful query runUIPQB-140Resolved issue: UIPQB-140Mikita Siadykh
- Spell out query builder operatorsUIPQB-137Resolved issue: UIPQB-137Uladzislau Kutarkin
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