- Sample data for dates shows nonsense when using YYYY-MM-DD formatUIPBEX-67Resolved issue: UIPBEX-67Noah Overcash
- migrate react-intl to v7UIPBEX-66Resolved issue: UIPBEX-66Uladzislau Kutarkin
- migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsUIPBEX-65Resolved issue: UIPBEX-65Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Unable to save transfer configurationUIPBEX-63Resolved issue: UIPBEX-63steven turner
- Unable to save transfer configuration (500 Internal Server Error)UIPBEX-62Resolved issue: UIPBEX-62steven turner
- Export job is stuck in "in progress" statusUIPBEX-60Resolved issue: UIPBEX-60steven turner
- Use new shared GA workflowUIPBEX-59Resolved issue: UIPBEX-59Noah Overcash
- Unable to open "Transfer criteria" settings sectionUIPBEX-58Resolved issue: UIPBEX-58steven turner
- Release ui-plugin-bursar-export v3.0.0 Poppy (R2 2023)UIPBEX-57Resolved issue: UIPBEX-57Mikita Siadykh
- Update 'feesfines' interface version to 19.0UIPBEX-55Resolved issue: UIPBEX-55Dmitriy Litvinenko
- BREAKING Update react-intl to v6UIPBEX-54Resolved issue: UIPBEX-54Zak Burke
- Settings > Bursar - Ensure your settings HTML page title follow this format - <<App name>> settings - <<selected page name>> - FOLIOUIPBEX-53Resolved issue: UIPBEX-53Chris Hallberg
- Update Node.js to v18 in GitHub ActionsUIPBEX-52Resolved issue: UIPBEX-52
- upgrade React to v18UIPBEX-51Resolved issue: UIPBEX-51
- Refactor: Accessibility issue with dropdowns - WCAG 2.1AA > 4.2.1 - Ensures select element has an accessible nameUIPBEX-50
- Bursar Acceptance TestingUIPBEX-48Resolved issue: UIPBEX-48
- Change permissions in bursar-export pluginUIPBEX-47Resolved issue: UIPBEX-47Vadym Shchekotilin
- Create view version of "ui-plugin-bursar-export.bursar-exports.all" permissionUIPBEX-46Resolved issue: UIPBEX-46Priyanka Terala
- Update feesfines interface version to 18.0UIPBEX-45Resolved issue: UIPBEX-45Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Bump stripes-acq-components to 4.0.0UIPBEX-44Resolved issue: UIPBEX-44Yury Saukou
- ui-plugin-bursar-export: module releaseUIPBEX-43Resolved issue: UIPBEX-43Mikita Siadykh
- move final-form and final-form-arrays to peer-depsUIPBEX-42Resolved issue: UIPBEX-42Uladzislau Kutarkin
- bump stripes to 8.0.0 for Orchid/2023-R1UIPBEX-41Resolved issue: UIPBEX-41Uladzislau Kutarkin
- UIPBEX (ui-plugin-bursar-export) MG BF releaseUIPBEX-40Resolved issue: UIPBEX-40Denis
- Upgrade Users interface to 16.0UIPBEX-39Resolved issue: UIPBEX-39Uladzislau Kutarkin
- UIPBEX (ui-plugin-bursar-export) Nolana releaseUIPBEX-38Resolved issue: UIPBEX-38Mikita Siadykh
- update NodeJS to v16 in GitHub ActionsUIPBEX-37Resolved issue: UIPBEX-37
- replace babel-eslint with @babel/eslint-parserUIPBEX-36Resolved issue: UIPBEX-36Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Remove react-hot-loader from package.jsonUIPBEX-34Resolved issue: UIPBEX-34Uladzislau Kutarkin
- UIPBEX (ui-plugin-bursar-export) releaseUIPBEX-33Resolved issue: UIPBEX-33Uladislau Samets
- UIPBEX (ui-plugin-bursar-export) releaseUIPBEX-31Resolved issue: UIPBEX-31Denis
- use supported uuidUIPBEX-29Resolved issue: UIPBEX-29Zak Burke
- UIPBEX (ui-plugin-bursar-export) Bugfix releaseUIPBEX-28Resolved issue: UIPBEX-28Victoria_Smelova
- Rename the label "Max. days outstanding" to "Fees/Fines older than (days)"UIPBEX-27Resolved issue: UIPBEX-27Uladislau Samets
- refactor psets away from backend ".all" permissionsUIPBEX-26Resolved issue: UIPBEX-26Uladislau Samets
- UIPBEX (ui-plugin-bursar-export) releaseUIPBEX-23Resolved issue: UIPBEX-23Victoria_Smelova
- increment stripes to v7UIPBEX-22Resolved issue: UIPBEX-22Vadym Shchekotilin
- Update okapi-interface for ui-plugin-bursas-exportUIPBEX-21Resolved issue: UIPBEX-21Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Bursar exports option missing from Tenant settingsUIPBEX-20Resolved issue: UIPBEX-20
- UIPBEX (ui-plugin-bursar-export) R2 Bugfix releaseUIPBEX-19Resolved issue: UIPBEX-19Victoria_Smelova
- UIPBEX (ui-plugin-bursar-export) Bugfix releaseUIPBEX-18Resolved issue: UIPBEX-18Victoria_Smelova
- R1 Hotfix -> R2 Bugfix - Save multiple transfer types for multiple owners in one bursar configUIPBEX-17Resolved issue: UIPBEX-17
- UIPBEX (ui-plugin-bursar-export) Hotfix #3 releaseUIPBEX-16Resolved issue: UIPBEX-16Victoria_Smelova
- Save multiple transfer types for multiple owners in one bursar configUIPBEX-15Resolved issue: UIPBEX-15Philip Robinson
- UIPBEX (ui-plugin-bursar-export) hotfix releaseUIPBEX-14Resolved issue: UIPBEX-14Victoria_Smelova
- The Folder field does not persistUIPBEX-13Resolved issue: UIPBEX-13
- UIPBEX (ui-plugin-bursar-export) releaseUIPBEX-12Resolved issue: UIPBEX-12Victoria_Smelova
- Compile Translation Files into AST FormatUIPBEX-11Resolved issue: UIPBEX-11Yury Saukou
- Rename Bursar export to Transfer criteriaUIPBEX-10Resolved issue: UIPBEX-10Philip Robinson
- Bursar Item Types for Fees/FinesUIPBEX-9Resolved issue: UIPBEX-9Philip Robinson
50 of 56
Purpose: Mark for delete means, that a cataloger, who do not hold the permission to do a deletion, is able to just do 'Mark item for delete' of a given item record by setting a boolean check mark in the item record. And then her cataloger colleague with super power and the permission to perform deletion, will go in and filter on all item records marked for delete, and then delete them one-by-one (and later in bulk mode).
Following action will be in scope of this story:
Mark item for delete
Use case: As a cataloger I want to be able to mark any given item record for deletion.
Login to FOLIO snapshot, go to Inventory
Given any instance record, with associated holdings and item records
When item record displayed in detailed view
Then the Actions menu holds following actions:
Edit item change of the label, is a different UIIN-XXXX story
Duplicate item change of the label, is a different UIIN-XXXX story
Delete item change of the label, is a different UIIN-XXXX story
Mark item for delete New
Mark as missing
Mark as withdrawn
(and more)
New request
Mark item for delete has the flag icon in front of the text "Mark item for delete"
Given a "Mark item for delete" option in the actions drop-down
When clicked
Then a "Confirm mark for deletion" modal should appear as shown in wireframe
(insert wireframe - when available)
Given the "Confirm mark for deletion" modal
When displayed then the cataloger gets following message
"Item HRID item000000000015, barcode 90000 has no dependencies and will be deleted."
Given click on the 'Cancel' button
Then the action is terminated
The cataloger gets back to the detailed view of the given instance record in 3rd pane
Given click on the 'Confirm' button
Then the Mark for delete action is performed
and a boolean is set on the record
The cataloger gets back to the detailed view of the given item record.
List of usecases gathered by the MM-SIG (10/18/2018) :