- During DI >50K records displays incorrect statusMODDATAIMP-1180
- Create script to update mapping rules for marc bibs with new LDR ruleMODDATAIMP-1179
- Release mod-data-import v{{module_version}} Sunflower Release (R1 2025)MODDATAIMP-1178
- Update to Java 21 data-import-utils library Sunflower R1 2025MODDATAIMP-1175Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1175Volodymyr Rohach
- Update to mod-data-import Java 21MODDATAIMP-1176Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1176Roman Chernetskyi
- Sensitive data in logs cleanupMODDATAIMP-1174
- "Relink" button does not work when creating / editing a "field mapping profile"MODDATAIMP-1169
- The "Unavailable fund name" text is displayed in the "Fund" column in POL after importing .mrc file for creating orderMODDATAIMP-1166Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1166
- [RRT] The Cutter number appears duplicated in the classification section of the recordMODDATAIMP-1161Kateryna Senchenko
- tests fails with blocking CI QGMODDATAIMP-1160Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1160
- Release v3.2.4 (Ramsons BF R2 2024)MODDATAIMP-1158Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1158Kateryna Senchenko
- Cannot import certain "MARC authority" records using "Update+Create" job profile with match by 010 $aMODDATAIMP-1157Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1157Volodymyr Rohach
- [RRT] Cat date format is changed after Marc overlay in Data ImportMODDATAIMP-1156Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1156Aliaksandr Fedasiuk
- jobLogEntries responds with 404 on attempt to see import log detailsMODDATAIMP-1155Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1155Javokhir Abdullaev
- (EUREKA) One of pacages is compleated with errors when importing file with 50K recordsMODDATAIMP-1154
- 50k records stuck on okapi-ramsons-bfMODDATAIMP-1152Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1152Aliaksandr Fedasiuk
- Data import jobs gets stuck on 2% and never finishesMODDATAIMP-1151Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1151Dmytro Krutii
- The ' Access for user 'SomeUser' requires permission:' message is displayed after importing file with job profile for creating orderMODDATAIMP-1147Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1147Roman Chernetskyi
- "Default - Create instance and SRS MARC Bib" job profile completes data import run with errors for file without subfield "a" in 1XX field on ECS member tenantsMODDATAIMP-1146Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1146Volodymyr Rohach
- Create SQL script to count identical records by titleMODDATAIMP-1144
- Release v3.2.3 (Ramsons BF R2 2024)MODDATAIMP-1140Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1140Ruslan Lavrov
- Error details are missing when updating malformed MARC bib stored in SRSMODDATAIMP-1148
- [RRT] A specific custom location cannot be assigned when creating an entity with DIMODDATAIMP-1139Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1139Kateryna Senchenko
- Test RTR support on EurekaMODDATAIMP-1138Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1138Dmytro Krutii
- Release v3.2.2 (Ramsons BF R2 2024)MODDATAIMP-1137Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1137Kateryna Senchenko
- Handle update job execution status during file upload successivelyMODDATAIMP-1136Javokhir Abdullaev
- The instance is not opened in the Inventory app after clicking on the instance Created hotlink on the log results pageMODDATAIMP-1134Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1134
- More than 4 files uploaded is not processing on envs with split filesMODDATAIMP-1130Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1130
- Add the ability to change the logging level via the LOG_LEVEL parameterMODDATAIMP-1127Dmytro Krutii
- Remove dependency on mod-configurationMODDATAIMP-1125Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1125Javokhir Abdullaev
- [Eureka] Implement RTR supportMODDATAIMP-1121Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1121Dmytro Krutii
- [RRT] Issues running script to update default mapping rulesMODDATAIMP-1118Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1118Javokhir Abdullaev
- Bulk edit MARC flow fails to commit by User, works only by Admin for single recordsMODDATAIMP-1124Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1124Roman Chernetskyi
- Data import processFiles endpoint leaves the file pendingMODDATAIMP-1117Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1117Javokhir Abdullaev
- Release v3.2.1 (Ramsons BF R2 2024)MODDATAIMP-1110Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1110Ruslan Lavrov
- Issue with module mod-data-importMODDATAIMP-1109Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1109Ruslan Lavrov
- [RRT] Prepare a job profile to delete the specified fieldsMODDATAIMP-1108Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1108Kateryna Senchenko
- Inform the user that it does not have enough permissions to run the DIMODDATAIMP-1107
- Update srm client dependency to recent versionMODDATAIMP-1104Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1104Volodymyr Rohach
- Update Ramsons release notesMODDATAIMP-1103Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1103Kateryna Senchenko
- Empty contributor and vendor reference properties created in order when no values in incoming recordMODDATAIMP-1102Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1102Volodymyr Rohach
- Failed order imports create associated inventory records and open orders in a pending stateMODDATAIMP-1101
- data-import karate tests falls into infinity loop, breaking CI Quality Gates pipelineMODDATAIMP-1100Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1100Dmytro Krutii
- mod-data-import Ramsons 2024 R2 - RMB v35.3.x updateMODDATAIMP-1099Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1099Javokhir Abdullaev
- [RRT] 853,230 records with two SRS MARC records ACTUALMODDATAIMP-1098Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1098Aliaksandr Fedasiuk
- Release v3.2.0 (Ramsons R2 2024)MODDATAIMP-1096Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1096Kateryna Senchenko
- Include FOLIO Identifiers in Kafka MessagesMODDATAIMP-1095
- File names with multinumber strings followed by - get cut off in Data Import logsMODDATAIMP-1094
- Update module permissions in the ModuleDescriptorMODDATAIMP-1091Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1091Dmytro Krutii
- Preserve date-time control field (005) value for bulk edit jobsMODDATAIMP-1090Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1090
50 of 789
During DI >50K records displays incorrect status
CSP Request Details
CSP Rejection Details
Potential Workaround
Mykhailo Petryshyn
Mykhailo PetryshynPriority
Development Team
Sunflower (R1 2025) Bug Fix
RCA Group
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created February 27, 2025 at 11:05 AM
Updated yesterday
Kateryna Senchenko
updated the RankyesterdayNone
Ranked higher
Kateryna Senchenko
updated the ReleaseyesterdayNone
Sunflower (R1 2025) Bug Fix
Kateryna Senchenko
changed the PriorityyesterdayTBD
Kateryna Senchenko
updated the SprintyesterdayNone
Folijet Sprint 213
Mykhailo Petryshyn
updated the RemoteIssueLink3 days agoNone
This issue links to "Page (FOLIO Wiki)"
Aliaksandr Fedasiuk
updated the LabelsFebruary 27, 2025 at 12:52 PMdata-import epam-folijet
data-import epam-folijet needs-points
Aliaksandr Fedasiuk
changed the ParentFebruary 27, 2025 at 12:51 PMNone
Aliaksandr Fedasiuk
updated the LabelsFebruary 27, 2025 at 12:50 PMNone
data-import epam-folijet
Mykhailo Petryshyn
created the IssueFebruary 27, 2025 at 11:05 AM
Testing was conducted on Ramsons Eureka’s environment
Data import of 1k, 5k, 10k, and 25k records with PTF- Create -2 profile completed successfully no errors
But 50K with the same profile for 6 parts of DI responded status COMPLETED WITH ERRORS
Detailed information showed that the number of completed records =1000 and number of failed =5