- Updating MARC bib record removes Date 1, Date 2 and Date type fieldsMODDATAIMP-1183Volodymyr Rohach
- Suppressing from discovery MARC instances makes records also staff suppressedMODDATAIMP-1182Roman Chernetskyi
- Release data-import-utils v1.14.0 (Sunflower R1 2025)MODDATAIMP-1181Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1181Ruslan Lavrov
- During DI >50K records displays incorrect statusMODDATAIMP-1180Volodymyr Rohach
- Create script to update mapping rules for marc bibs with new LDR ruleMODDATAIMP-1179Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1179Roman Chernetskyi
- Release mod-data-import v3.3.0 Sunflower Release (R1 2025)MODDATAIMP-1178Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1178Ruslan Lavrov
- Update to Java 21 data-import-utils library Sunflower R1 2025MODDATAIMP-1175Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1175Volodymyr Rohach
- Update to mod-data-import Java 21MODDATAIMP-1176Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1176Roman Chernetskyi
- Sensitive data in logs cleanupMODDATAIMP-1174
- "Relink" button does not work when creating / editing a "field mapping profile"MODDATAIMP-1169
- The "Unavailable fund name" text is displayed in the "Fund" column in POL after importing .mrc file for creating orderMODDATAIMP-1166Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1166
- [RRT] The Cutter number appears duplicated in the classification section of the recordMODDATAIMP-1161Kateryna Senchenko
- tests fails with blocking CI QGMODDATAIMP-1160Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1160
- Release v3.2.4 (Ramsons BF R2 2024)MODDATAIMP-1158Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1158Kateryna Senchenko
- Cannot import certain "MARC authority" records using "Update+Create" job profile with match by 010 $aMODDATAIMP-1157Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1157Volodymyr Rohach
- [RRT] Cat date format is changed after Marc overlay in Data ImportMODDATAIMP-1156Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1156Aliaksandr Fedasiuk
- jobLogEntries responds with 404 on attempt to see import log detailsMODDATAIMP-1155Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1155Javokhir Abdullaev
- (EUREKA) One of pacages is compleated with errors when importing file with 50K recordsMODDATAIMP-1154
- 50k records stuck on okapi-ramsons-bfMODDATAIMP-1152Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1152Aliaksandr Fedasiuk
- The ' Access for user 'SomeUser' requires permission:' message is displayed after importing file with job profile for creating orderMODDATAIMP-1147Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1147Roman Chernetskyi
- "Default - Create instance and SRS MARC Bib" job profile completes data import run with errors for file without subfield "a" in 1XX field on ECS member tenantsMODDATAIMP-1146Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1146Volodymyr Rohach
- Create SQL script to count identical records by titleMODDATAIMP-1144
- Release v3.2.3 (Ramsons BF R2 2024)MODDATAIMP-1140Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1140Ruslan Lavrov
- Error details are missing when updating malformed MARC bib stored in SRSMODDATAIMP-1148
- [RRT] A specific custom location cannot be assigned when creating an entity with DIMODDATAIMP-1139Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1139Kateryna Senchenko
- Test RTR support on EurekaMODDATAIMP-1138Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1138Dmytro Krutii
- Release v3.2.2 (Ramsons BF R2 2024)MODDATAIMP-1137Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1137Kateryna Senchenko
- Handle update job execution status during file upload successivelyMODDATAIMP-1136Javokhir Abdullaev
- The instance is not opened in the Inventory app after clicking on the instance Created hotlink on the log results pageMODDATAIMP-1134Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1134
- More than 4 files uploaded is not processing on envs with split filesMODDATAIMP-1130Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1130
- Add the ability to change the logging level via the LOG_LEVEL parameterMODDATAIMP-1127Dmytro Krutii
- Remove dependency on mod-configurationMODDATAIMP-1125Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1125Javokhir Abdullaev
- [Eureka] Implement RTR supportMODDATAIMP-1121Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1121Dmytro Krutii
- [RRT] Issues running script to update default mapping rulesMODDATAIMP-1118Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1118Javokhir Abdullaev
- Bulk edit MARC flow fails to commit by User, works only by Admin for single recordsMODDATAIMP-1124Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1124Roman Chernetskyi
- Data import processFiles endpoint leaves the file pendingMODDATAIMP-1117Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1117Javokhir Abdullaev
- Release v3.2.1 (Ramsons BF R2 2024)MODDATAIMP-1110Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1110Ruslan Lavrov
- Issue with module mod-data-importMODDATAIMP-1109Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1109Ruslan Lavrov
- [RRT] Prepare a job profile to delete the specified fieldsMODDATAIMP-1108Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1108Kateryna Senchenko
- Inform the user that it does not have enough permissions to run the DIMODDATAIMP-1107
- Update srm client dependency to recent versionMODDATAIMP-1104Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1104Volodymyr Rohach
- Update Ramsons release notesMODDATAIMP-1103Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1103Kateryna Senchenko
- Failed order imports create associated inventory records and open orders in a pending stateMODDATAIMP-1101
- data-import karate tests falls into infinity loop, breaking CI Quality Gates pipelineMODDATAIMP-1100Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1100Dmytro Krutii
- mod-data-import Ramsons 2024 R2 - RMB v35.3.x updateMODDATAIMP-1099Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1099Javokhir Abdullaev
- [RRT] 853,230 records with two SRS MARC records ACTUALMODDATAIMP-1098Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1098Aliaksandr Fedasiuk
- Release v3.2.0 (Ramsons R2 2024)MODDATAIMP-1096Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1096Kateryna Senchenko
- Include FOLIO Identifiers in Kafka MessagesMODDATAIMP-1095
- File names with multinumber strings followed by - get cut off in Data Import logsMODDATAIMP-1094
- Update module permissions in the ModuleDescriptorMODDATAIMP-1091Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1091Dmytro Krutii
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