- Release stripes-inventory-components v1.0.2 Ramsons SP#1 Release (R2 2024)UISINVCOMP-58Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-58Dmytro Melnyshyn
- CLONE - Call Number Browse refactor - backport to RamsonsUISINVCOMP-55Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-55Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Release stripes-inventory-components v2.0.0 Sunflower Release (R1 2025)UISINVCOMP-54Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-54Dmytro Melnyshyn
- ECS | "Held by" and "Shared" facets don't contain options in call number browseUISINVCOMP-56Dmytro Melnyshyn
- migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsUISINVCOMP-52Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-52Denys Bohdan
- migrate react-intl to v7UISINVCOMP-51Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-51Denys Bohdan
- CLONE - Call Number Browse | Refactor to use new browse endpointUISINVCOMP-50Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-50Dmytro Melnyshyn
- CLONE - Call Number Browse | Refactor to use new browse endpointUISINVCOMP-48Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-48Denys Bohdan
- Apply relevance sort to find instance plugin when selected as default in Display settingsUISINVCOMP-47Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-47Denys Bohdan
- Eureka ECS | Only one location (instead of 5) displays in Effective location (item) facetUISINVCOMP-45Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-45
- Release stripes-inventory-components v1.0.1 Ramsons R2 2024 ReleaseUISINVCOMP-44Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-44Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Eureka | No error message when search query URI request exceeds character limit (414 error)UISINVCOMP-43Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-43Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Only 6 options are displayed in the "Subject source" and "Subject type" facets in "Inventory" >> "Browse"UISINVCOMP-42Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-42Denys Bohdan
- Titles beginning with quotation marks should be found in "Starts with" search regardless of quotations in queryUISINVCOMP-40
- Counters in the "Shared" facet don't update during switching between Classifications, Contributors, Subjects browse optionsUISINVCOMP-41Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-41Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Rename ui-inventory.display-settings settings scope nameUISINVCOMP-39Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-39Mariia Aloshyna
- Release stripes-inventory-components v1.0.0 Ramsons Release (R2 2024)UISINVCOMP-38Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-38Denys Bohdan
- Browse | Number of titles in Subject browse results does not match the number of instances returned in searchUISINVCOMP-37Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-37Mariia Aloshyna
- CLONE - Inventory date filters: Validate that To date is greater than From dateUISINVCOMP-35Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-35Denys Bohdan
- Get all locations in useCommonData hook when user is in consortium modeUISINVCOMP-34Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-34Oleksandr Hladchenko
- Suppress "Shared" facet when user moves holdings/items to another instanceUISINVCOMP-32Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-32Oleksandr Hladchenko
- Refactor ui-inventory permissionsUISINVCOMP-30Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-30Mariia Aloshyna
- CLONE - "Reset all" doesn't clear "From" and "To" fields filled with invalid values in "Date range", "Date created", "Date updated"UISINVCOMP-28Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-28Dmytro Melnyshyn
- "Something went wrong" error appears when user switches from Browse with opened facet to SearchUISINVCOMP-33Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-33Denys Bohdan
- Fix failed unit testsUISINVCOMP-27Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-27Mariia Aloshyna
- Add filters for subject source and type to Inventory subject browseUISINVCOMP-26Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-26Mariia Aloshyna
- Error should be displayed in Date range, Date updated, Date created filters until user resolve the errorUISINVCOMP-29Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-29Denys Bohdan
- Titles beginning with quotation marks cannot be found in Advanced search "Starts with"UISINVCOMP-36Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-36Dmytro Melnyshyn
- CLONE - Inventory search > Replace certain facets UX with Multi-select componentUISINVCOMP-25Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-25Dmytro Melnyshyn
- CLONE - Sort Date column by Date 1UISINVCOMP-21Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-21Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Create a useInstanceDateTypes hookUISINVCOMP-19Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-19Denys Bohdan
- CLONE - Add Date column to Inventory results listUISINVCOMP-18Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-18Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Inventory date range filters: Allow users to enter only one dateUISINVCOMP-20Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-20Denys Bohdan
- CLONE - Allow tenant to set default sort in Inventory resultsUISINVCOMP-17Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-17Dmytro Melnyshyn
- CLONE - The expanded facets accordions in the Search & Filter panel do not display options if the Instance tab is clicked after a search has been performed.UISINVCOMP-16Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-16Dmytro Melnyshyn
- ECS - Accept `tenantId` prop to search entries in the specified tenant for supporting `ui-plugin-find-instance` pluginUISINVCOMP-15Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-15Dennis Bridges
- CLONE - When search query URI request exceeds character limit then display this error messageUISINVCOMP-13Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-13Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Inventory Advanced search - Contributor contains all & contains any does not return resultsUISINVCOMP-14Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-14Denys Bohdan
- "Holdings UUID" search option is missing in "Inventory" app and "Select instance" pluginUISINVCOMP-12Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-12Dmytro Melnyshyn
- CLONE - Search and filters should match those in ui-inventory (Instance)UISINVCOMP-7Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-7Dmytro Melnyshyn
- CLONE - ECS | “Shared” facet shouldn't count Instances with "Classification" which shouldn't be discoverable (because of settings).UISINVCOMP-6Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-6Denys Bohdan
- CLONE - Rewrite the facets functionality to make it suitable for both the ui-inventory module and the ui-plugin-find-instance.UISINVCOMP-5Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-5Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Move AdvancedSearch utility to stripes-inventory-components moduleUISINVCOMP-4Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-4Denys Bohdan
- Replace the use of the "moment" library with "dayjs" for the DateRangeFilter component.UISINVCOMP-3Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-3Dmytro Melnyshyn
- ECS | User cannot select location in "Effective location (item)" when there are multiple locations with the same name exist in different member tenantsUISINVCOMP-8Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-8Christine Schultz-Richert
- Use consolidated locations endpoint in member tenantsUISINVCOMP-9Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-9Denys Bohdan
- Clone - Search and filters (Instance) should be the same in ui-inventory and ui-plugin-find-instance.UISINVCOMP-2Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-2Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Add place of publication option to Inventory Instance advanced searchUISINVCOMP-11Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-11Denys Bohdan
- Add place of publication option to Inventory Instance searchUISINVCOMP-10Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-10Denys Bohdan
- Create Date range filter in Inventory Instance toggleUISINVCOMP-22Resolved issue: UISINVCOMP-22Dmytro Melnyshyn
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