- Address cross-module dependency in Nightmare testsUIU-605Resolved issue: UIU-605Zak Burke
- Address data dependencies in Nightmare testsUIU-604Resolved issue: UIU-604Zak Burke
- Renew counters don't update on LoanActionsHistory page after renewalUIU-603Resolved issue: UIU-603Aditya matukumalli
- Renew counters don't update after loan renewUIU-602Resolved issue: UIU-602Michal Kuklis
- Valid patron group doesn't display in UIUIU-601Resolved issue: UIU-601Mike Taylor
- Test failure, new_permission_setUIU-588Resolved issue: UIU-588md331
- ui-users seems to not declare dependency on mod-configurationUIU-585Resolved issue: UIU-585md331
- Add Last Updated Record Metadata to Permission Set FormUIU-561Resolved issue: UIU-561Aditya matukumalli
- Indicate Service Point for Users (FOLIO Operators) in User RecordUIU-546Resolved issue: UIU-546md331
- Loan details action table records incorrect date/time for actionsUIU-540Resolved issue: UIU-540Aditya matukumalli
- Record metadata not displaying on user record edit modeUIU-524Resolved issue: UIU-524Michal Kuklis
- Truncate Renewal Period According to Fixed due date schedule (due date limit)UIU-467Resolved issue: UIU-467Marc Johnson
- Export patron's loans to CSVUIU-459Resolved issue: UIU-459Roman Ruiz-Esparza
- Unable to post noteUIU-446Resolved issue: UIU-446Michal Kuklis
- Users App: Status Filter UpdateUIU-400Resolved issue: UIU-400Zak Burke
- Choose default service pointUITEST-46Resolved issue: UITEST-46Michal Kuklis
- Add coverage functionality to stripes-testing methodUITEST-39Resolved issue: UITEST-39Eric Valuk
- relocate ui-testing platform tests to platform-coreUITEST-22Resolved issue: UITEST-22Zak Burke
- ISSN Codex search does not find instanceUISE-82Resolved issue: UISE-82Mike Taylor
- Wrong message: "Choose a filter […] to show results"UISE-81Resolved issue: UISE-81Mike Taylor
- Export Requests search results to csvUIREQ-102Resolved issue: UIREQ-102Roman Ruiz-Esparza
- Requests - capture information during cancellationUIREQ-67Resolved issue: UIREQ-67Tania Hewes
- Instance look-up componentUIPFI-1Resolved issue: UIPFI-1Zak Burke
- Figure out UX for settings vs. preferencesUIP-1Resolved issue: UIP-1Mike Taylor
- Display more than 10 locationsUIORG-101Resolved issue: UIORG-101Mike Taylor
- Delete Icon Not Displaying for Unpopulated repeatable field PairsUIORG-98Resolved issue: UIORG-98Aditya matukumalli
- Locations: Institutions, Campuses and Libraries Displaying Twice in DropdownUIORG-97Resolved issue: UIORG-97Michal Kuklis
- Filter locations by institution / campus / library hierarchyUIORG-91Resolved issue: UIORG-91
- Delete Location (Hierarchical)UIORG-86Resolved issue: UIORG-86Zak Burke
- In edit mode of the Instance record. The contributor type list is to be sorted like LoC's Code List for RelatorsUIIN-264Resolved issue: UIIN-264
- Apply expand/collapse all accordions toggle to the Item detail recordUIIN-246Resolved issue: UIIN-246Aditya matukumalli
- Apply expand/collapse all accordions toggle to the Holdings detail recordUIIN-245Resolved issue: UIIN-245Aditya matukumalli
- In edit mode of the Instance record. The contributor type list is not completeUIIN-215Resolved issue: UIIN-215Mike Taylor
- Cannot assign correct loanType to item because display of loanTypes limitedUIIN-213Resolved issue: UIIN-213Mike Taylor
- Add accordions to the Item Record in detail viewUIIN-170Resolved issue: UIIN-170Niels Erik Nielsen
- Add accordions to the Holdings Record in detailed viewUIIN-168Resolved issue: UIIN-168Niels Erik Nielsen
- Add accordions to the detailed view of the Instance RecordUIIN-166Resolved issue: UIIN-166Niels Erik Nielsen
- Settings page. Inventory > Item > Material types (refined with category)UIIN-152
- Representation of analytics and bound with records. Design and technical decisions, part 1UIIN-145Resolved issue: UIIN-145Niels Erik Nielsen
- Inventory. Collapsible Results PaneUIIN-138Charlotte Whitt
- Implement new icons for Instance, Holdings, Items (Refined UX design)UIIN-133Resolved issue: UIIN-133Rasmus Wølk
- Result list. Hierarchical structure of Instance, Holdings, Items (Refined UX-design)UIIN-129
- Unable to Select Fixed Due Date Schedule For Loan PolicyUICIRC-78Resolved issue: UICIRC-78Aditya matukumalli
- Settings -> Circulation -> "Other settings" behaves erratically.UICIRC-75Resolved issue: UICIRC-75Zak Burke
- Settings for patron notice templatesUICIRC-70Resolved issue: UICIRC-70Matt Connolly
- Unable to remove due date limit from rolling loan policyUICIRC-69Resolved issue: UICIRC-69Aditya matukumalli
- Checkin takes > 1 min with ~2.5 million recordsUICHKIN-18Resolved issue: UICHKIN-18
- Last-update user look-ups creates problems for large controlled vocabulariesSTSMACOM-142Resolved issue: STSMACOM-142Zak Burke
- Tags on individual records: Assign, Unassign, Display, OutputSTSMACOM-113Resolved issue: STSMACOM-113Michal Kuklis
- SearchAndSort: Consider replacing ui-${moduleName}.resultCountSTSMACOM-108Resolved issue: STSMACOM-108Zak Burke
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