- UX: Request Actions section mockupsUX-186Resolved issue: UX-186Kimie Kester
- Create mock-up for item not found at check-inUX-185Resolved issue: UX-185Kimie Kester
- Create mock-up for in-house useUX-184Kimie Kester
- functional UI testsUIU-498Resolved issue: UIU-498Aditya matukumalli
- Loan: Change due dateUIU-497Resolved issue: UIU-497md331
- remove code that uses the "meta" section of the user object and use the proxy-for schemaUIU-495Resolved issue: UIU-495Michal Kuklis
- Closed loans - fields shown, linking to detailsUIU-462Resolved issue: UIU-462Aditya matukumalli
- Open loans - fields shown, linking to detailsUIU-461Resolved issue: UIU-461Aditya matukumalli
- Get Fixed Renewal Period from Loan PolicyUIU-449Resolved issue: UIU-449Michal Kuklis
- Unable to post noteUIU-446Resolved issue: UIU-446Michal Kuklis
- Get Alternate Rolling Renewal Period from Loan Policy (Renew from System Date)UIU-435Resolved issue: UIU-435Michal Kuklis
- Extract hardcoded labels so they can be translatedUIU-416Resolved issue: UIU-416Roman Ruiz-Esparza
- Users App: Status Filter UpdateUIU-400Resolved issue: UIU-400Zak Burke
- Proxy: Set Relationship Status (Proxy Sub-Section)UIU-201Resolved issue: UIU-201Michal Kuklis
- Proxy: Set Relationship Status (Sponsor Sub-Section)UIU-200Resolved issue: UIU-200Michal Kuklis
- expand the CS integration test to cover title sort and reset all filtersUITEST-26Resolved issue: UITEST-26Jeremy Huff
- Codex search results navigation problem 3: Reset All Not WorkingUISE-78Resolved issue: UISE-78Jeremy Huff
- Cancel button not working properly in create request proxy popupUIREQ-94Resolved issue: UIREQ-94Matt Connolly
- Requests - change Author label to ContributorUIREQ-93Resolved issue: UIREQ-93Matt Connolly
- Requests - prevent editing of closed requestsUIREQ-89Resolved issue: UIREQ-89Matt Connolly
- Request details: record last update info not formatted properlyUIREQ-86Resolved issue: UIREQ-86Matt Connolly
- Insufficient margin at the bottom of the create request formUIREQ-85Resolved issue: UIREQ-85Matt Connolly
- Request detail and Edit request screens - item detailsUIREQ-81Resolved issue: UIREQ-81Matt Connolly
- Extract hardcoded labels so they can be translatedUIREQ-69Resolved issue: UIREQ-69Matt Connolly
- Refine Request record layout (Edit and View)UIREQ-64Resolved issue: UIREQ-64Matt Connolly
- Include location (either permanent or temporary) in item information for requestsUIREQ-29Resolved issue: UIREQ-29Matt Connolly
- Delete Location (Hierarchical)UIORG-86Resolved issue: UIORG-86Zak Burke
- Location Setup: When Code Isn't Specified, Don't Display "Undefined"UIORG-85Resolved issue: UIORG-85Zak Burke
- Libraries: New Button Should be Hidden Until Institution and Campus are SelectedUIORG-83Resolved issue: UIORG-83Zak Burke
- Campuses: New Button Should be Inactive Until Institution is selectedUIORG-82Resolved issue: UIORG-82Zak Burke
- Two areas are showing as selected when accessing Controlled Vocab CRUD for InstitutionsUIORG-79Resolved issue: UIORG-79Zak Burke
- Permission Set for Location CRUD (incl. Instititution, Campus and Library)UIORG-76Resolved issue: UIORG-76Zak Burke
- Error saving SSO setings. "Response content-type is not XML"UIORG-72Resolved issue: UIORG-72Robert Sass
- CRU Locations (Hierarchical)UIORG-69Resolved issue: UIORG-69Zak Burke
- Library CRUD: Add Locations ColumnUIORG-66Resolved issue: UIORG-66Zak Burke
- Campus CRUD: Add Locations ColumnUIORG-63Resolved issue: UIORG-63Zak Burke
- Institution CRUD: Add Locations ColumnUIORG-60Resolved issue: UIORG-60Zak Burke
- Test failure: Tests wait for missing 'Close' button after submitting new Instance.UIIN-187Resolved issue: UIIN-187Niels Erik Nielsen
- Location lookup link looks like button after clickedUIIN-185Resolved issue: UIIN-185Filip Jakobsen
- Linking to item details slow and displays pages in betweenUIIN-178Resolved issue: UIIN-178
- Permission Set for Resource Types CRUDUIIN-157Resolved issue: UIIN-157md331
- Permission Set for Contributor Types CRUDUIIN-156Resolved issue: UIIN-156md331
- Settings page. Inventory > Item > Material types (refined with category)UIIN-152
- Settings page. Inventory > Instances > FormatsUIIN-151Resolved issue: UIIN-151Niels Erik Nielsen
- Settings page. Inventory > Instances > Resource TypeUIIN-150Resolved issue: UIIN-150Niels Erik Nielsen
- Settings page. Inventory > Instances > Contributor TypesUIIN-149Resolved issue: UIIN-149Niels Erik Nielsen
- Representation of analytics and bound with records. Design and technical decisions, part 1UIIN-145Resolved issue: UIIN-145Niels Erik Nielsen
- Item CRUD: Cannot unset temporary locationUIIN-144Resolved issue: UIIN-144Michal Kuklis
- Inventory. Collapsible Results PaneUIIN-138Charlotte Whitt
- Permanent and temporary locations. Changes to holdings and item recordsUIIN-137Resolved issue: UIIN-137Niels Erik Nielsen
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