- SPIKE: provide support a third-party error logging serviceSTCOR-493Resolved issue: STCOR-493Zak Burke
- Fail build if multiple copies of stripes-* are presentSTCOR-418
- Specify value for lang attribute at build-timeSTCOR-214
- move redux, react-redux to peerDependenciesSTCON-114Ryan Berger
- Manifest configuration for extending request headers.STCON-98
- consider stand-alone stripes-cli install, i.e. package as an executableSTCLI-153Resolved issue: STCLI-153
- export commands to allow use of stripes-cli in other node appsSTCLI-149Resolved issue: STCLI-149
- Make maxFormAttributeSize configurableRMB-856Resolved issue: RMB-856Adam Dickmeiss
- PostgreSQL SSL CA Certificate configuration optionRMB-547Resolved issue: RMB-547Julian Ladisch
- SPIKE: module-module token caching (phase 2)OKAPI-951
- Parallel (concurrent) migration for modulesOKAPI-939Resolved issue: OKAPI-939Adam Dickmeiss
- Update vertx-pac4j to pac4j v5MODLOGSAML-91Resolved issue: MODLOGSAML-91Adam Dickmeiss
- Replace pac4j-saml-opensamlv3 by pac4j-samlMODLOGSAML-89Resolved issue: MODLOGSAML-89Adam Dickmeiss
- change login API to return tokens in the body and not in private headersMODLOGIN-119Resolved issue: MODLOGIN-119
- Refactor/combine /token and /refreshtoken endpointsMODAT-69Resolved issue: MODAT-69Steve Ellis
- Use JWT for refresh tokensMODAT-68Resolved issue: MODAT-68Steve Ellis
- One-time use refresh tokensMODAT-67Resolved issue: MODAT-67
- Configurable access/refresh token expirationMODAT-65Resolved issue: MODAT-65Steve Ellis
- SPIKE: investigate refresh tokens support in FOLIOFOLIO-2556Resolved issue: FOLIO-2556Steve Ellis
- SPIKE: System and Tenant Level Users - RequirementsFOLIO-2551Resolved issue: FOLIO-2551Mikhail Fokanov
- Implement Silent RefreshEDGCOMMON-22
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