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Refund paid fees/fines and create report (R1 2021 work split from Q3 2020 work)



Merged on July 20, 2020

UXPROD-844: Fees/Fines in-app report: Refunds to process manuallyClosed (Fees/Fines in-app report: Refunds to process manually) was merged with UXPROD-106: Refund paid fees/fines and create report (mostly finished in Q3 2020 but not released)Closed (Refund paid fees/fines) to create UXPROD-106: Refund paid fees/fines and create report (mostly finished in Q3 2020 but not released)Closed (Refund paid fee/fines and create report). Note: This was done because of the constant misunderstanding that the report wasn't a high priority although it was part of the thin-thread workflow.

On July 11, 2019 UXPROD-106 Refund paid fees/fines was split into two issues:

Some details...

  • Attachment Refund Fees_Fines - Processing.png contains the details of this feature as determined by the RA SIG to date. We will be revisiting this feature before the user stories are written.

  • A refund will be started by locating the fee/fine to refund starting from User Information and going to Fee/Fine History. The fee/fine to refund (or can do several at once) will be selected and then the refund modal will appear (as shown by attached image Refund Fees_Fines - Transaction.png).

  • If the patron owes other fees/fines they will be presented as for possible payment using the refund (as shown by attached image Refund Fees_Fines - Pay Other FFs.png).


Fix versions

Development Team



Solution Architect

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TestRail: Results



Potential Workaround

Holly: I split UXPROD-106 Refund paid fees/fines into two issues (UXPROD-106 Refund paid fees/fines and UXPROD-1876 Use fee/fine refund to pay other fees/fines). This part of the refund feature is very basic and will be done without any fluff. We have already made this process quite basic by producing a report (UXPROD-844) to identify who to give refunds to rather than setting up some automated process. For the MVP the refunding of bursar-paid fees/fines will also be handled manually. Holly: I plan to also remove the Refund button from the Open/Closed/All Fees/Fines page. This will eliminate the need for extra code to process multiple refunds at one time. Instead, refunds will be handled one at a time via the ellipsis, just as Errors are. I will add back a feature to allow multiple refunds at one time, but I'm not sure it will be needed.

PO Rank


Estimation Notes and Assumptions

Darcy's BE and FE estimates were Very Small (VS) < 1day as of July 20. Holly added the refund report to this UXPROD, so she increased the estimates.

Front End Estimate

Medium < 5 days

Front End Estimator

Front-End Confidence factor


Back End Estimate

Medium < 5 days

Back End Estimator

Rank: FLO (MVP Sum 2020)


Rank: 5Colleges (Full Jul 2021)


Rank: Cornell (Full Sum 2021)


Rank: Chalmers (Impl Aut 2019)


Rank: GBV (MVP Sum 2020)


Rank: hbz (TBD)


Rank: Hungary (MVP End 2020)


Rank: Grand Valley (Full Sum 2021)


Rank: TAMU (MVP Jan 2021)


Rank: Chicago (MVP Sum 2020)


Rank: Leipzig (ERM Aut 2019)


Rank: MO State (MVP June 2020)


Rank: U of AL (MVP Oct 2020)


Rank: Leipzig (Full TBD)


Rank: Lehigh (MVP Summer 2020)


TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created October 2, 2020 at 4:52 PM
Updated August 31, 2021 at 3:15 PM
Resolved March 4, 2021 at 1:04 PM



Holly Mistlebauer December 1, 2020 at 7:08 PM

Holly discussed this with Cate via Slack, but here is a summary...

The original feature was (Refund paid fees/fines and create report). This feature was going to be mostly completed in Q3 2020, except for the report and one other part, so I split and made (Refund paid fees/fines and create report (R1 2021 work split from Q3 2020 work)).

At the very last minute, we decided that the Refund option was too buggy so we grayed out the Refund option in Honeysuckle so that the code would not be used. I then renamed to Refund paid fees/fines and create report (mostly finished in Q3 2020 but not released).

The end result is that we have two refund features with a Fix Version of R1 2021.

Sorry for the confusion!

Cate Boerema October 5, 2020 at 8:39 AM

Hi . Can you make it a little clearer which Q3 issue this was split from? I am finding the "Merged" note at the top of the issue a bit confusing. If you could just add one line like "This issue was split from UXPROD-XYZ" at the top, that would be helpful.

Please also make sure that you tag the original issue with "split". Here are the instructions for splitting issues:

Thanks much!

TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs