- ECS | "Affiliations" accordion should not be displayed on patron user details paneUIU-3314
- User: Field "Date enrolled" showing 1 day earlier in View than EditUIU-3264Nikolai_Litvinenko
- "Notifications sent to" field value differs in view and edit mode on proxy/sponsors recordsUIU-3260Nikolai_Litvinenko
- “Something went wrong” error appears when user tries to open detail view of MARC authority record with Standard field which is not included in mapping rules or undefined field.UISAUTCOMP-126Resolved issue: UISAUTCOMP-126Denys Bohdan
- Printing of request slips is unavailable with only "Requests: View" permissionUIREQ-1217Resolved issue: UIREQ-1217Thomas Trutt
- Edit piece: Present "Delete or Keep Holdings" modal when receiving location is changed for pieceUIREC-350
- "Reset all" button is permanently active on "Add donors" popupUIPFO-57
- Intermittent: Wrong screen is shown when work is created and "Add instance" selectedUILD-519Resolved issue: UILD-519Siarhei Karol
- "Unknown user" instead of "Automated linking update" in MARC bib Administrative data if the linked MARC Authority heading was updatedUIIN-3272Khalilah Gambrell
- Investigation: "Unknown user" instead of "Automated linking update" in MARC bib Administrative data if the linked MARC Authority heading was updatedUIIN-3209Resolved issue: UIIN-3209Svitlana Kovalova
- Browse | All Instances having same subject/contributors value are shown when clicking subject value with "MARC auth" icon when there is an unlinked subject/contributor and linked subject/contributorUIIN-2369
- Unable to type 'PM' in time fieldsUICAL-288steven turner
- Courses App Filters and Sorting not FunctioningSUP-127
- Call to /patron/account/{id} fails if the patron happens to have fees that is associated with an item that doesn't existMODPATRON-185Alexander Kurash
- Populating 999 fields while harvesting LINKED_DATA recordsMODOAIPMH-602Magda Zacharska
- Handling deleted records while harvesting LINKED_DATA recordsMODOAIPMH-601Magda Zacharska
- Suppress from discovery flag in harvesting LINKED_DATA recordsMODOAIPMH-600Magda Zacharska
- Instance marked for deletion can be edited through Linked data - Instance becomes "undeleted" once edited in LDEMODLD-678
- /inventory-hierarchy/items-and-holdings returns electronicAccess objects not in the ordered addedMODINVSTOR-1224Viacheslav Kolesnyk
- Deletion of MARC Instance via API is not synchronized between Inventory and SRSMODINVSTOR-1203Khalilah Gambrell
- Spike: Authority Linking: Update bib/instance data import jobs: If action/field mapping profile is updating FOLIO record type = Instance then apply same authority linking logic as implemented for FOLIO record type = MARC bibliographicMODINV-1068
- Multiple Fee entries seen for a patron due to multiple aged to lost transactionsMODFEE-388Thomas Trutt
- replaceAll: remove values in transactionFCFIELDS-61
- 504 Gateway timeout error in response to ListRecords, ListIdentifiers requests on Eureka ECS snapshot environmentEUREKA-690Resolved issue: EUREKA-690Mikita Siadykh
- Agreement start date not showing as updated after period updatedERM-3438Jack Golding
- [ECS Eureka] Check-ins only in the Central tenant for retrieval and return workflowsCIRC-2231Anne Ekblad
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