- Browse: focus wasn't switched to the first result, after clicking "Next" from the first pageUISAUTCOMP-54Resolved issue: UISAUTCOMP-54Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Error appears when typing in the "Thesaurus" filter at "MARC authority" appUISAUTCOMP-47Resolved issue: UISAUTCOMP-47Dmytro Melnyshyn
- View Source | Do not show an authorized link icon on a non-linkable/non-controllable bib fieldUIQM-430Resolved issue: UIQM-430Daniil_Patckin
- Edit/Derive MARC bib | Show Type label on 006 and 007 MARC fieldsUIQM-422Resolved issue: UIQM-422Daniil_Patckin
- User able to save record with created by user '001' field value when derive MARC Bib / create MARC HoldingsUIQM-421Resolved issue: UIQM-421Daniil_Patckin
- Adding multiple "$a" in "010" field of linked "MARC Authority" leads to error.UIQM-395Resolved issue: UIQM-395Daniil_Patckin
- Browse: focus wasn't switched to the first result, after clicking "Next" from the first pageUIPFAUTH-51Resolved issue: UIPFAUTH-51Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Browse: focus wasn't switched to the first result, after clicking "Next" from the first pageUIMARCAUTH-275Resolved issue: UIMARCAUTH-275Dmytro Melnyshyn
- "Actions" button is displayed for "Instance" record when user have only "Subject / Call number browse: View permissions" permissionUIIN-2360Resolved issue: UIIN-2360Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Can't close the "Title" pane after switching to another app.UIEH-1366Resolved issue: UIEH-1366Daniil_Patckin
- Edit eholdings record (provider/package/title) > Cancel button does not work in same way as other apps Cancel buttonUIEH-1360Resolved issue: UIEH-1360Denys Bohdan
- [BF] App context menu does not fully close after switching from "MARC Authority" app to "Inventory"STCOR-708Resolved issue: STCOR-708
- The values in "Title" fields are displayed not in the same format as in exported "Package"MODEXPW-334Resolved issue: MODEXPW-334
- "Titles" are missed in exported ".csv" file when exporting "Package" recordMODEXPW-310Resolved issue: MODEXPW-310Viacheslav Kolesnyk
- "MARC authority headings updates (CSV)" report contains data on deleted NOT linked "MARC authority" recordMODELINKS-72Resolved issue: MODELINKS-72Shorasul Shoazimov
- Update of linked and protected field via "Data import" leads to link deletionMODDICORE-327Resolved issue: MODDICORE-327Pavlo Smahin
16 of 16
Browse: focus wasn't switched to the first result, after clicking "Next" from the first page
Potential Workaround
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Dmytro Melnyshyn
Dmytro MelnyshynReporter
Dmytro Melnyshyn
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Poppy (R2 2023)
Affected releases
Orchid (R1 2023)
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
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Open TestRail: Runs
Created May 5, 2023 at 12:41 PM
Updated October 3, 2023 at 3:17 PM
Resolved May 16, 2023 at 12:08 PM
Yauhen ViazauMay 11, 2023 at 3:57 PM
Tested in UIPFAUTH-51
Overview: In Search for marc authority plug-in (Browse only): focus doesn't switch to the first record, after clicking on the "Next" pagination button from the first page with results (when "Previous" button is disabled).
This issue doesn't reproduce when user switches between pages not from the first browse page.
Steps to Reproduce:
Log into Orchid environment as User with the following permissions:
Inventory: All permissions
MARC Authority: View MARC authority record
quickMARC: View, edit MARC authorities record
quickMARC: View, edit MARC bibliographic record
quickMARC: Can Link/unlink authority records to bib records
Opened the "MARC Authority plug-in" by clicking on the "Link to MARC Authority record" icon at the editing window of "MARC Bibliographic" record.
Selected "Browse" toggle
Select any browse option from dropdown list
Cancel the applied "Authority source" facet by clicking on the "X" icon next to the "Authority source" accordion button.
Fill in the input field placed at the "Search & filter" pane with the search query, which will return first record from the list (for example: "1", the "Previous" button should be disabled in the result list)
Click on the "Search" button
Scroll down to the end of the result list
Click "Next" pagination button
Expected Results:
Another page with records is being displayed on the result list.
The focus was switched to the first record of the result list.
Actual Results: Next page with records is being displayed on the result list, but focus switched to the random list record.
Additional Information:
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