- On-boarding new Stripes developersSTRIPES-431Resolved issue: STRIPES-431Mike Taylor
- Review Okapi Guide to update the examples and outputs (ongoing)OKAPI-436David Crossley
- Regularly update Jekyll Workflow for dev.f.oFOLIO-4247David Crossley
- Upgrade the Actions used by API-related GitHub WorkflowsFOLIO-3944Resolved issue: FOLIO-3944David Crossley
- Update FOLIO Jira and Confluence "add-ons" to latest versionsFOLIO-2161Resolved issue: FOLIO-2161
- Follow the documented procedure to fully deprecate existing old repositoriesFOLIO-1838David Crossley
- Regularly update dev.f.o configuration and dependenciesFOLIO-1276David Crossley
- Update each README to use range of years in the copyright statementFOLIO-1021David Crossley
- Make general changes to docs at dev.f.o - ongoingFOLIO-873
- Document and ensure initial setup of a new repositoryFOLIO-722David Crossley
- Review documentation for typos, readability, presentationFOLIO-398
- Include copyright statement and license for each new repositoryFOLIO-360David Crossley
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