- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesVERTXLIB-42Resolved issue: VERTXLIB-42David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesRSRVR-128Resolved issue: RSRVR-128David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMSEARCH-529Resolved issue: MSEARCH-529David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows: mod-users-keycloakMODUSERSKC-1Resolved issue: MODUSERSKC-1David Crossley
- build-mvn.yml and build-mvn-release.yml fail buildMODUSERS-349Resolved issue: MODUSERS-349Ankita Sen
- Enable API-related GitHub WorkflowsMODTLR-2Resolved issue: MODTLR-2David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODTAG-116Resolved issue: MODTAG-116David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODSET-6Resolved issue: MODSET-6David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub WorkflowsMODSCHED-4Resolved issue: MODSCHED-4David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODRS-172Resolved issue: MODRS-172David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows: mod-roles-keycloakMODROLESKC-1Resolved issue: MODROLESKC-1David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub WorkflowsMODREQMED-4Resolved issue: MODREQMED-4David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODQM-350Resolved issue: MODQM-350David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODPWD-116Resolved issue: MODPWD-116David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODNOTES-265Resolved issue: MODNOTES-265David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODLISTS-1Resolved issue: MODLISTS-1David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODINREACH-377Resolved issue: MODINREACH-377David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODFQMMGR-1Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-1David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODEXPW-420Resolved issue: MODEXPW-420David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODEXPS-225Resolved issue: MODEXPS-225David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODEXPS-224Resolved issue: MODEXPS-224David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODELINKS-96Resolved issue: MODELINKS-96David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODEBSNET-61Resolved issue: MODEBSNET-61David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub WorkflowsMODDCB-16Resolved issue: MODDCB-16David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub WorkflowsMODCONSKC-1Resolved issue: MODCONSKC-1David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODCON-54Resolved issue: MODCON-54David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODCAL-127Resolved issue: MODCAL-127David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODBULKOPS-111Resolved issue: MODBULKOPS-111David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODAT-145Resolved issue: MODAT-145David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows: mgr-tenant-entitlementsMGRENTITLE-10Resolved issue: MGRENTITLE-10David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub WorkflowsMGRAPPS-4Resolved issue: MGRAPPS-4David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesFQTM-3Resolved issue: FQTM-3David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesFOLSPRINGS-109Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-109David Crossley
- Path prefix missing on API documentation endpointsFOLIO-4183Resolved issue: FOLIO-4183David Crossley
- Create facility to Search API endpointsFOLIO-4165Resolved issue: FOLIO-4165David Crossley
- Handle OpenAPI 3.1 descriptions with api-lint and api-docFOLIO-4119David Crossley
- Create shared API-related GitHub WorkflowsFOLIO-4118David Crossley
- Upgrade amf-client-js to its current for api-lint api-docFOLIO-4117Resolved issue: FOLIO-4117David Crossley
- Upgrade amf-client-js to v5.5.3 for api-lint api-docFOLIO-4011Resolved issue: FOLIO-4011David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows: mod-reading-roomFOLIO-3988Resolved issue: FOLIO-3988David Crossley
- Upgrade the Actions used by API-related GitHub WorkflowsFOLIO-3944Resolved issue: FOLIO-3944David Crossley
- Upgrade amf-client-js to v5.4.6 for api-lint api-docFOLIO-3943Resolved issue: FOLIO-3943David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows: mgr-tenantsFOLIO-3938Resolved issue: FOLIO-3938David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows: mgr-applicationsFOLIO-3937Resolved issue: FOLIO-3937David Crossley
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows: mod-login-keycloakFOLIO-3936Resolved issue: FOLIO-3936David Crossley
- Upgrade amf-client-js to v5.4.1 for api-lint api-docFOLIO-3867Resolved issue: FOLIO-3867David Crossley
- Upgrade amf-client-js to v5.2.4 for api-lint api-docFOLIO-3722Resolved issue: FOLIO-3722David Crossley
- Ensure API-related GitHub Workflows are used for relevant backend repositoriesFOLIO-3678Resolved issue: FOLIO-3678David Crossley
- Upgrade amf-client-js to v5.2.0 for api-lintFOLIO-3553Resolved issue: FOLIO-3553David Crossley
- Upgrade amf-client-js to v5.0.10 for api-lintFOLIO-3528Resolved issue: FOLIO-3528David Crossley
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