- Update Node.js to v18 in GitHub ActionsUIPFIMP-60Resolved issue: UIPFIMP-60Mariia Aloshyna
- Update Node.js to v18 in GitHub ActionsUIPCIR-56Resolved issue: UIPCIR-56Mariia Aloshyna
- Update Node.js to v18 in GitHub ActionsUIIN-2520Resolved issue: UIIN-2520Mariia Aloshyna
- Change imports for testing-library/react-hooksUIIN-2519Resolved issue: UIIN-2519Oleksandr Hladchenko
- Update Node.js to v18 in GitHub ActionsUIDATIMP-1507Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-1507Mariia Aloshyna
- Two action profiles are displayed in created job profile after adding action profiles to 'For matches' sectionUIDATIMP-1268Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-1268
- Add new projects to stripes workspace commandSTCLI-241Resolved issue: STCLI-241Mariia Aloshyna
- Import log for Central tenant has display problemsMODSOURMAN-1054Resolved issue: MODSOURMAN-1054Ann-Marie Breaux
- Data Import - job fails with fk constraint errorMODSOURMAN-660Resolved issue: MODSOURMAN-660Aliaksandr Fedasiuk
- deleteMarcIndexersOldVersions: relation "marc_records_tracking" does not existMODSOURCE-722Resolved issue: MODSOURCE-722Olamide Kolawole
- Importing 10,000 MARC authority records > Completes with errors due to timeoutMODSOURCE-615Resolved issue: MODSOURCE-615Volodymyr Rohach
- Inventory settings schemas mismatch causing issues with DIMODDICORE-375Resolved issue: MODDICORE-375
- Orchid BF job profile that needs to be manually correctedMODDICONV-330Resolved issue: MODDICONV-330Kateryna Senchenko
- Test performance of Importing MARC Bibs for OrchidMODDATAIMP-782Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-782Aliaksandr Fedasiuk
- events_cache topic needs to have a prefix (Kiwi HF#2)KAFKAWRAP-19Resolved issue: KAFKAWRAP-19Ruslan Lavrov
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